Scilab for Beginners is a short introduction about Scilab provided by us for the students who wish to work in Sci-lab. It is open-source software used in all the mathematical operations for engineering and scientific purpose. Sci-lab was actually developed by researchers from FRANCE and INRA. It is specially developed for numerical applications such as Matrix manipulation, concatenation, transpose, etc. So it contains numerous functions and advanced functions and also has features to create our own functions. We have emphasized the major functions used in Scilab for beginners. It is very similar to MATLAB but has few more advanced features than MATLAB. Let’s learn about a few basic things about Scilab
Major Three Components Of Scilab Are
- Libraries of functions ( Scilab procedures and also macros)
- Interpreter
- Interfaces for FORTON, C++, Java, Modelica, TCL/Tk, C and also LAB-VIEW
- And so on
Salient Features About Scilab
- It solves all the numerical problems and also reduces the LOC as compared to other major languages.
- Supports all major Matrix operations.
- It can be interfaced with C, C++, Java, FORTON and also .Net.
- Using Scilab functions, we can use C++ code using
- “c:\program files(x86)\scilab 5.3\modules\call-scilab\example”
- It runs on all the major platforms like Windows XP, VISTA,7,8 , GNU, Linux, and also MAC OSX etc.
Major Functions Of Scilab
2D And 3D Visualization
- Using Pie charts, Lines, histograms, surfaces, Animation, Latex/MathML annotation, graphics etc.
- Supports formats like PPM, PNG, EMF, EPS, PDF and SVG
- And so on
Simulation And Math Functions
- Linear algebra
- Sparse matrices
- Polynomials and rational functions
- Elementary functions of scientific calculations
- And so on
- Linear matrix inequalities
- Non linear optimization
- Quadratic optimization
- Nonlinear least-square optimization
- Semi definite programming
- Genetic algorithms and simulated annealing
- And so on

Control System Design And Analysis
- LMI optimization
- State –space control system
- Classic and robust control
- Transfer function
- And so on
- Descriptive statistics
- Linear and also non linear modeling
- Probability distribution
- And so on
MATLAB To Scilab Translator
Non-Linear Methods
- ODE and also DAE solvers
- Optimization
- SCI-COS(hybrid system modeler and also simulator)
- And also many more
Signal Processing
- Digital FIR and also IIR filter design
- Analog filter design
- Signal transform including FFTW
- Signal generation and also data windowing
- Power spectral density estimation
- Graphics and animation, Graphs(Visualization and also algorithms)
- And so on
Other than functions, we also work on all major operations in Scilab. It is software that contains advanced functions and operations. Being a beginner in Scilab, students should learn about every aspect of Scilab. We also have provided only a few basic functions for the reference of students.
Scilab for beginners is just an intro to the concepts in Scilab. We are working on the most advanced concepts in Scilab as we are a specialist in this field. Also, we have preeminent developers in Scilab with us, working for the benefit of young scholars. We focus on advanced concepts and implementation but also work on basic for students who are just a beginner. We can assure our students that if they work with us, we can make them an expert in Scilab.