Matlab Projects for Electronics Engineering Students offers you a vast collection of novel and newfangled project ideas to enhance your academic performance and grades. Our service has started with a Nobel goal to serve the students with our vast experience and expertise. Generally, We have developed nearly 1000+ Matlab Projects for Electronics Engineering Students with the help of our versatile developers and dedicated professionals. We are well renowned and prominent in scholars’ midst due to our qualitative work and on-time project delivery assurance.
In general, We have served students from nearly 120+ countries and have to tie up with many leading universities and colleges of the world. Today, we stand as the world’s no.1 institute for project guidance and support with more than 50+ branches worldwide. To avail our service, click one mail/call to us, we will be back to you with our expert’s guidance. Now, let’s look at the major research areas and topics to get a better insight into Matlab-based EEE projects.
Major Research Area For EEE Students
Control Systems
- Fuzzy logic based DC Motor control system
- Speed control for induction motors
- Speed control system for high speed train
- Photovoltaic system control
- Traffic light controller
- Armature controlled DC Motor
- Synchronous dynamic Random access memory[SDRAM] controller
- Controlling Mobile Robots
- Automated Solar[Microcontroller[89S51,8051,89C51], Analog to digital converters 0808]
- And so on
- Hydraulics system
- Avionics- Electronics cooling
- Air Management and Environment
- Propulsion and fuel
- Aerodynamics
- And so on
Power Line Communications
- White electric vehicle
- Monitoring distributed transformers
- Hybrid Electric vehicle
- Hybrid Optoelectronic sensor[Monitoring overhead in transmission line]
- And so on
Power Generation [Smart Grid]
- Photovoltaic cell
- Wind generator
- Thermal power plant
- Hydraulic power generation
- Nuclear power plant
- And so on

VLSI [Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits]
- 3D power scaling
- Application development in the areas[like IOT,IOE, big data, cloud computing, Machine learning, artificial intelligence and deep learning]
- Photonic transmitters beyond LED
- EDA algorithm improvement
- STA simplification and DFT
- Equipment design and material design
- Design rule optimization
- High performance transistor designing
- DRC automation
- And also more
Embedded Systems
- Ultrasound sensor interfacing with Arduino
- Servo Motor control
- Interfacing circuit for controlling stepper Motor and LED
- Serial port Oscilloscope using Micro controller
- Temperature Monitoring system using PIC18F4550
- And also more
Matlab Project Topics For EEE Students
- Implementation of distributive cooperative environment and also design method for embedded system
- Energy optimization of OS driven embedded software also using source code transformation
- Extended quasi static scheduling for code generation and also formal synthesis of embedded software
- Compact transportable software/hardware data acquisition system using low cost network of spectrometer radiation detectors also based on ArduSiPM with Arduino DUE
- Implementation, evaluation and also design of brain computer interface controlled mechanical arm for rehabilitation applications
- Field Control applications also using low end versatile networked microcontroller embedded system
- Non additive fuzzy integral based FMCDM framework also for configuring embedded system design
- Implementation of FPGA also based embedded hand vein biometric authentication system
- Implementation and evaluation of complex embedded system also using real time HWIL Simulation control system architecture
Latest Matlab Projects For Electronics Engineering Students
- Implementation and design of integrated man machine interface also for embedded electronic measurement system
- An environment for the optimization of low power embedded systems and also design space exploration[Avalanche]
- Statistical testing and modeling of Real time embedded automotive systems by combining reference models and also test models in Matlab/Simulink
- Vision based automated guided vehicle also using dual core real time embedded system
We hope you would have got an idea about Matlab projects for Electronics engineering students. To avail of our service further, approach us through our online guidance and tutoring service. Our experts will offer you complete project guidance support along with Matlab/Simulink tutoring service. You can approach us any time as our experts are available for you 24/7.