Matlab Projects for M.Tech Students, an initiative started with the effort of top experts in the world for the benefit of budding students. The major problem of students face when they take up their project is that they just want to take one static topic out of a thousand topics provided. Project decides your academic life and career; how can we give so less importance to such a significant factor. Get a complete domain list of matlab projects for M.Tech Students from our concern. This is the reason we provide the best and novel concepts to our students, which is the outcome of knowledge mined from our experts.
Our experts are members of 500+ journals, which makes them updated with all the latest and recent concepts in Matlab. Using their immeasurable knowledge and immense updation, you can get the best project, which will uplift your career and grades.
Its time to know your worth,,,Understand our knowledge…And join with us to create your identity…
Matlab Projects For M.Tech Students
Our Matlab Projects for M.Tech Students gives you innovative and newfangled ideas for doing groundbreaking research. The final year project for students means a lot to them due to its significance. It is simply a decisive factor for students pursuing their Post graduation. We know the value of your project, which is why we have started our service to help you come out with innovative ideas to enhance your grades and uplift your career. We have provided below a few recent research areas in Matlab’s major domains, which will give you an idea for your Matlab project.
Research Areas In Image Processing
- Morphological image processing
- Color and pseudo color image processing
- Voice activation , Text to speech, image to speech and also ASL to speech
- 3D face and emotion recognition
- Heart rate monitoring using face expression and also texture profiling
- Remote human presence detection and also activity logging
- Behavioral and activity recognition
- Brain controller
- Motion and heat sensors
- 2D to 3D translation of painting for visually impaired people
- And so on
Research Areas In Digital Signal Processing
- Head related transfer function
- Integrated affective sensing
- Deconvolution of space time Radar spectra
- Integrated EMG/Eye gaze tracking for computer cursor control
- Compressive sensing
- Spatio temporal ECoG Analysis also for Epileptic focus localization
- Image fusion of several imaging sensor
- Image denoising and watermarking
- Satellite and space communication
- Image and video communication
- Working with algorithms like Forrier, Walse, and also Hartley
- And so on

Research Areas In Communication Systems
- Work on recent technologies like Massive MIMO, Cooperative communications, Multiuser MIMO, and also dense user deployed small cells
- Smart Grid
- Spectrum sensing in TV-White space
- LTE and LTE advanced
- Dynamic channel allocation
- Software defined radio and also cognitive radio
- Reliable communication in unlicensed bands
- Aeronautical communication
- Underwater acoustic communication
- HF radio communication
- Vehicular communication(V2V, and also V2I)
- In VIVO communication
- And also more
Recent Research Areas In Artificial Networks
- Experts system
- Neural networks
- Natural Language processing
- Robotics
- Fuzzy logic systems
- And also many more
Recent Research Areas In Power Electronics
- Power electronic converters in hybrid renewable energy systems
- Grid connected converters
- Hybrid electric vehicle
- SMPS and smart grids
- Topologies for harmonic reduction
- Wind energy conversion systems
- Grid connected hybrid wind, PV, and also cell generation systems
- And so on
Recent Research Areas In Medical Image Processing
- Texture analysis methods
- Visual parameter optimization
- Biomedical image processing for epilepsy
- Mammographic segmentation and also density classification
- Work on Lung cancer, brain tumor, breast cancer, Knee joint problem, and also liver cancer
- Automated identification of hard exudates and also cotton wool spots
- And also more
If You Need More Ideas And Innovative Concepts, Approach Us Anytime. We Have Provided Few Topics For Matlab Projects, Which Can Help You To Explore The Field Further
- A novel technology on Image Forensics also for Illuminant-Based Transformed Spaces
- A secure approach on Imperfect and Perfect Secrecy also in Compound Multiple Access Channel With Confidential Message
- Performance of Deterministic Approach to Detect Median Filtering also in 1D Data
- A novel approach on the Security of Key Extraction also from Measuring Physical Quantities