
Operations Research in Python


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operations research in python is the process of utilizing innovative analytical techniques to facilitate enhanced decision-making. For executing OR techniques, Python is examined as a robust tool because of having a wide range of libraries for data analysis, simulation, and optimization.

Please send a message to matlabsimulation.com containing your details, and we will provide you with new assistance. As we remain informed about current trends, we will share innovative project topics related to Operations Research in Python with you.

Appropriate for operations research projects, we list out a few major Python libraries and instances:

Major Libraries for Operations Research in Python

  1. PuLP
  • PuLP is referred to as a linear programming library in Python.
  • Linear programming problems can be specified and resolved through this library in a simple manner.
  1. SciPy
  • Optimization functions are offered by this library. It specifically encompasses nonlinear and linear optimization.
  1. Gurobi
  • For mathematical programming, it is an advanced solver.
  • Free educational licenses are accessible for this library.
  1. Cvxpy
  • Specifically for convex optimization problems, this library is more suitable.
  1. SimPy
  • SimPy is considered as a process-related discrete-event simulation system.

Sample Projects in Operations Research Using Python

  1. Linear Programming (LP) with PuLP

Issue: By considering specified conditions on resources, the gain of a manufacturing operation has to be increased.

import pulp

# Define the problem

prob = pulp.LpProblem(“Maximize_Profit”, pulp.LpMaximize)

# Define decision variables

x1 = pulp.LpVariable(‘x1′, lowBound=0, cat=’Continuous’)

x2 = pulp.LpVariable(‘x2′, lowBound=0, cat=’Continuous’)

# Define the objective function

prob += 40 * x1 + 30 * x2, “Total_Profit”

# Define the constraints

prob += 2 * x1 + x2 <= 100, “Resource1”

prob += x1 + x2 <= 80, “Resource2”

prob += x1 <= 40, “Resource3”

# Solve the problem


# Print the results

print(“Status:”, pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])

print(“x1 =”, pulp.value(x1))

print(“x2 =”, pulp.value(x2))

print(“Total Profit =”, pulp.value(prob.objective))

  1. Integer Programming (IP) with PuLP

Issue: Using integer conditions, we aim to enhance a transportation issue.

import pulp

# Define the problem

prob = pulp.LpProblem(“Transportation_Problem”, pulp.LpMinimize)

# Decision variables

x1 = pulp.LpVariable(‘x1′, lowBound=0, cat=’Integer’)

x2 = pulp.LpVariable(‘x2′, lowBound=0, cat=’Integer’)

x3 = pulp.LpVariable(‘x3′, lowBound=0, cat=’Integer’)

# Objective function

prob += 10 * x1 + 15 * x2 + 20 * x3, “Total_Cost”

# Constraints

prob += x1 + x2 + x3 >= 50, “Demand”

prob += x1 <= 30, “Supply1”

prob += x2 <= 20, “Supply2”

prob += x3 <= 30, “Supply3”

# Solve the problem


# Print the results

print(“Status:”, pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])

print(“x1 =”, pulp.value(x1))

print(“x2 =”, pulp.value(x2))

print(“x3 =”, pulp.value(x3))

print(“Total Cost =”, pulp.value(prob.objective))

  1. Nonlinear Optimization with SciPy

Issue: On the basis of conditions, a nonlinear function must be reduced.

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import minimize

# Define the objective function

def objective(x):

return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2

# Define the constraint

def constraint(x):

return x[0] + x[1] – 1

# Initial guess

x0 = [0.5, 0.5]

# Define the constraint as a dictionary

cons = {‘type’: ‘eq’, ‘fun’: constraint}

# Optimize

solution = minimize(objective, x0, constraints=cons)

# Print the results

print(‘Optimal value:’, solution.fun)

print(‘Optimal point:’, solution.x)

  1. Convex Optimization with CVXPY

Issue: Focus on resolving a convex optimization issue efficiently.

import cvxpy as cp

# Define the variables

x = cp.Variable()

y = cp.Variable()

# Define the objective function

objective = cp.Minimize((x – 1)**2 + (y – 2)**2)

# Define the constraints

constraints = [x + y == 1, x – y >= 1]

# Formulate the problem

prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

# Solve the problem

result = prob.solve()

# Print the results

print(“Optimal value:”, result)

print(“x:”, x.value)

print(“y:”, y.value)

  1. Discrete-Event Simulation with SimPy

Issue: In this project, we intend to simulate a queuing framework.

import simpy

import random



ARRIVAL_RATE = 5  # Customers per hour

SERVICE_RATE = 10  # Customers served per hour

SIM_TIME = 10  # Simulation time in hours

class QueueSystem:

def __init__(self, env, num_servers, service_rate):

self.env = env

self.server = simpy.Resource(env, num_servers)

self.service_rate = service_rate

def serve(self, customer):

service_time = random.expovariate(1.0 / self.service_rate)

yield self.env.timeout(service_time)

def customer(env, name, qs):

print(f'{name} arrives at {env.now:.2f}’)

with qs.server.request() as request:

yield request

print(f'{name} starts being served at {env.now:.2f}’)

yield env.process(qs.serve(name))

print(f'{name} leaves at {env.now:.2f}’)

def setup(env, num_servers, arrival_rate, service_rate):

qs = QueueSystem(env, num_servers, service_rate)

i = 0

while True:

yield env.timeout(random.expovariate(arrival_rate))

i += 1

env.process(customer(env, f’Customer {i}’, qs))

# Run the simulation


env = simpy.Environment()

env.process(setup(env, NUM_SERVERS, ARRIVAL_RATE, SERVICE_RATE))


Innovative Project Plans in Operations Research

  1. Supply Chain Optimization
  • Through mixed-integer programming, the overall supply chain has to be improved from raw materials to supply of final goods.
  1. Network Flow Optimization
  • Network flow issues have to be designed and resolved. It could encompass the minimum cost flow problem, maximum flow problem, and others.
  1. Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)
  • By encompassing conditions such as numerous depots, time windows, and capability, we plan to apply and resolve the VRP.
  1. Inventory Management Optimization
  • To reduce expenses in addition to fulfilling requirements, the inventory management issues must be designed and resolved.
  1. Portfolio Optimization
  • With the aid of quadratic programming, the portfolio optimization issues should be executed and resolved to reduce risk and enhance profit.
  1. Facility Location Problem
  • In order to increase service or reduce expenses, the ideal deployment of facilities has to be identified by resolving facility location issues.
  1. Job Scheduling
  • As a means to reduce delay, completion duration, or other targets, we apply job scheduling techniques.
  1. Energy Management in Smart Grids
  • To stabilize supply and requirement in an effective way, the energy sharing in smart grids must be designed and improved.
  1. Healthcare Resource Allocation
  • The allotment of healthcare resources should be enhanced. It could include medical equipment, staff, and hospital beds.
  1. Airline Scheduling and Crew Management
  • For airlines, the intricate scheduling issues have to be resolved to enhance effectiveness and reduce expenses.

Operations research python Projects

Python is considered as an efficient programming language that is employed across various aspects of operations research projects. For operations research with Python, we suggest 50 significant project topics, which involve different scopes such as analytical techniques, simulation, and optimization:

  1. Supply Chain Optimization
  • From raw materials to supply of final products, the overall supply chain has to be designed and enhanced through mixed-integer programming.
  1. Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)
  • Including conditions such as capability, several depots, and time windows, the VRP must be applied and resolved. For that, we plan to employ various methods like Genetic Algorithms or Tabu Search.
  1. Job Shop Scheduling
  • In order to reduce makespan or delay, the allocation of jobs on equipment should be improved by means of heuristic techniques or Integer Programming.
  1. Network Flow Optimization
  • Various network flow issues have to be designed and resolved. It could involve the multi-commodity flow problem, minimum cost flow problem, and maximum flow problem.
  1. Inventory Management Optimization
  • To mitigate inventory and shortage costs in addition to aligning with requirements, the inventory management issues must be designed and resolved.
  1. Portfolio Optimization
  • As a means to reduce risk and enhance profit, the portfolio optimization issues have to be applied and resolved through quadratic programming.
  1. Facility Location Problem
  • To improve service or reduce expenses, the ideal deployment of facilitates should be identified. For that, we intend to resolve facility location issues.
  1. Knapsack Problem
  • In order to increase the overall value of products which are packed in a knapsack with a weight constraint, the knapsack problem has to be resolved by employing greedy algorithms or dynamic programming.
  1. Airline Scheduling and Crew Management
  • By encompassing aircraft routing and crew scheduling, the intricate scheduling issues for airlines must be resolved to enhance effectiveness and reduce expenses.
  1. Warehouse Optimization
  • To enhance efficacy and reduce management costs, the design and processes of a warehouse should be improved.
  1. Queueing Systems Simulation
  • As a means to examine performance metrics such as queue length and waiting duration, various kinds of queuing frameworks (for instance: M/M/c, M/M/1) have to be simulated.
  1. Production Planning
  • For production scheduling, we aim to create and resolve models to align with production goals and enhance the utilization of resources.
  1. Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • In order to enhance project plans, apply the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).
  1. Transportation Problem
  • The expense of delivering products from several suppliers to several customers has to be reduced by designing and resolving the transportation issue.
  1. Diet Problem
  • To reduce the expense of a diet in addition to aligning with nutritional needs, the diet issue must be modeled and resolved by means of linear programming.
  1. Optimal Resource Allocation
  • As a means to reduce expenses or improve total gain, the allotment of constrained resources should be enhanced to challenging actions.
  1. Game Theory Analysis
  • Various game theory models have to be applied and examined. It could encompass the zero-sum games and Nash equilibrium.
  1. Dynamic Programming for Decision Making
  • With the aim of resolving intricate decision-making issues like equipment replacement and inventory refilling, we utilize dynamic programming.
  1. Healthcare Resource Allocation
  • The allotment of healthcare resources must be enhanced, including equipment, medical staff, and hospital beds.
  1. Energy Management in Smart Grids
  • To stabilize supply and requirement in an effective manner, the energy distribution in smart grids has to be designed and improved.
  1. Epidemic Modeling and Control
  • For forecasting and regulating the infectious disease distribution, efficient models have to be created and resolved.
  1. Telecommunications Network Design
  • To assure effective data transfer, the process and model of telecommunications networks must be enhanced.
  1. Logistics Network Design
  • The model of logistics networks should be improved to enhance service ranges and reduce transport expenses.
  1. Retail Price Optimization
  • In order to increase gain, the pricing policies for retail goods have to be improved by creating models.
  1. Scheduling of Renewable Energy Resources
  • To reduce expenses and improve effectiveness, we plan to enhance the planning and delivery of renewable energy resources.
  1. Optimal Traffic Signal Control
  • As a means to enhance traffic flow and minimize congestion, the traffic signal timings must be improved through applying and resolving models.
  1. Revenue Management
  • To increase income in various sectors such as hospitality and airlines, robust models have to be created for revenue handling and dynamic pricing.
  1. Maintenance Scheduling
  • For equipment and machinery, the maintenance plans should be enhanced to reduce expenses and interruption.
  1. Product Mix Optimization
  • By considering specified production limits, aim to reduce expenses or increase gain through identifying the ideal product combination.
  1. Workforce Scheduling
  • In addition to following labor rules and reducing labor expenses, the requirement has to be fulfilled by improving employee programs.
  1. Manufacturing Process Optimization
  • To maximize throughput, minimize waste, and enhance effectiveness, we improve production operations.
  1. Transportation and Logistics Simulation
  • As a means to examine functionality and detect barriers, the transport and logistics processes have to be simulated.
  1. Multi-Objective Optimization
  • In order to resolve issues which have several varying goals, the multi-objective optimization methods must be applied.
  1. Decision Support Systems
  • To assist in decision-making, efficient decision support systems should be created, which combine optimization models, data analysis, and simulation.
  1. Optimal Investment Strategies
  • Plan to increase profits in addition to handling risk by designing and enhancing investment policies.
  1. Optimal Power Flow in Electrical Grids
  • In electrical grids, we improve the power flow to assure strength and reduce losses.
  1. Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks
  • To increase network usage, the routing and wavelength allocation has to be enhanced in optical networks.
  1. Capital Budgeting
  • The allotment of financial resources must be improved for various investment projects. To accomplish this mission, create models for capital budgeting.
  1. Water Resource Management
  • In order to assure viable utilization and stabilize supply and requirement, the handling of water resources should be improved.
  1. Disaster Response Planning
  • For enhancing disaster response strategy, models have to be created and resolved to improve resource usage and reduce response duration.
  1. Urban Planning and Land Use Optimization
  • As a means to stabilize progression and environmental viability, we enhance land utilization and urban planning.
  1. Supply Chain Risk Management
  • To assure consistency and strength in supply chains, handle risks by designing and improving policies.
  1. Optimizing Classroom Schedules
  • In academic institutions, enhance classroom plans by creating models, especially to fulfill conditions and increase room usage.
  1. Market Basket Analysis
  • To improve product deployment and advancements and examine market basket data, our project employs optimization methods.
  1. Optimizing Network Design for IoT
  • In order to assure effective data gathering and transfer, the layout of IoT networks must be created and enhanced.
  1. Air Traffic Control Optimization
  • With the intentions of assuring security and reducing delays, we improve air traffic control by creating models.
  1. Financial Risk Management
  • For handling financial risks, policies have to be designed and enhanced to assure effectiveness and strength.
  1. Scheduling in Hospitals
  • To enhance operational efficacy and patient care in hospitals, the planning of operations, staff, and other major resources should be improved.
  1. Optimal Harvesting Strategies
  • As a means to increase viability and production in agriculture, the harvesting policies must be enhanced by creating models.
  1. Railway Scheduling Optimization
  • To increase usage of framework, minimize delays, and enhance effectiveness, the railway plans have to be designed and improved.

In order to carry out operations research projects, several important Python libraries and explicit instances are recommended by us. Relevant to operations research with Python, we proposed numerous interesting project topics, along with concise outlines.

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