Iris recognition is the biometric technology that identifies and authenticates humans by their iris patterns. Iris patterns are unique & stable in nature because their iris patterns differ from person to person as well as they are constant and never get changed.“Are you looking for an article regarding iris recognition using Matlab? Hurray!!! You have routed to the right page”
The similarities of iris patterns are highly rare in fact, 1 out of 1052 is possible that is hugely exceptional. Even though identical twins also cannot have the same iris patterns. The robustness of the iris is the major feature of iris recognition. Hence it’s assumed as the best ever biometric authentication system.
At the end of this article, you will be educated on the necessary areas of iris recognition using Matlab with proper explanations. We have stuffed so many interesting concepts where you can provoke your thinking. Now lets we begin this article with the introduction of iris recognition.
Introduction for Iris Recognition
Every human’s iris is placed between the cornea and eye lens. It is a thin layer with unique patterns. Epigenetic is the unique patterns that are constant till the person dies. Hence, it is widely used in biometric identification & user authentication.
The main idea behind iris recognition is to accurately identify the person according to their unique iris patterns. Iris patterns cannot be the same it varies from person to person. It is mainly known for its stability and its individuality.
Here you may get a question on, what about the twins’ iris uniqueness; yes, we know your perceptions. They are also having unique iris patterns hence there is nothing to say further. In this regard, let’s clearly brainstorm about the irreplaceable features of iris recognition for the ease of your understanding.
Features of Iris Recognition
- Non-Invasive
- The authentication process does not involve with bright lightening / lasers
- Fast Processing
- Within 2 seconds it matches the iris patterns more than 20 times
- Accurateness
- Offers the accurate & exact identity recognition processes
- Robustness
- Iris patterns never change from birth to passing away
- Individuality
- Even identical twins iris patterns are not unique
- Quantifiable Physical Features
- 250 DoF with same non-related human iris patterns
Here DoF stands for Degrees of Freedom. The above listed are the major features of iris recognition. These features themselves show that how the system is performing.
How to Implement Iris Recognition using Matlab?
- Step 1: Image Selection
- Matlab reads the given image input
- Step 2: Adding Selected Image into Database
- Added image input is utilized for training
- Step 3: Iris Recognition
- The pre-defined filter is used to match the iris
- Step 4: Genetic Algorithm (GA) Optimization
- Feature extraction is done by GA
- Step 5: Deletion of Database
- Removes database in the prevailing directory
The aforementioned are the 5 major steps involved in the implementation of iris recognition using Matlab and we hope that we are making your understanding better in some other ways. If you do want any clarities in the above listed and in other areas you can approach our researchers at any time for pattern recognition projects.
Before moving on to the next section, we would like to mention ourselves. Our researchers of the concern are well versed in the technical areas by conducting habitual researches and experiments. Thus we are hustling the predefined requisites according to our aspirations. Are you feeling a cramp in iris recognition-oriented researches? Then feel free to approach our researchers at any time.
Come let us try to understand them. Top researchers and engineers from all over the world are highly relying on biometric technology which is iris recognition-based. Secondly, we can have the section with the iris recognition systems strength.
Iris Recognition System Strengths
- Accuracy & Quickness
- It controls decision making & encoding processes
- In addition, it takes 1 second for encoding & analyzing images
- Stability & Robustness
- Iris patterns never change all through life
- Measurable Iris Patterns
- It has a random high degree of iris patterns with DoF variability
- Variability ranges from 0 to 250 degrees of freedom
- It is also having 3.2 bits per square mm (millimeter)
- Highly Protected Iris
- Inner organ & iris patterns are captured from a range of distance
- Iris Pattern Individuality
- Complex iris patterns cannot be the same & has variations
The foregoing section has clearly stated to you the iris recognition systems’ strengths according to the features. In fact, without these features iris recognition is nothing. In other words, these are the pillaring concretes of the system. But, every technology is twinning with several limitations. Yes, you people guessed right!!! We are talking about the limitations of the iris recognition system and the next phase is all about the same.
Iris Recognition System Limitations
- Ineffective user cooperation
- Wrong gestures of the users
Many of the users are not aware of positioning themselves according to the camera front. This is resulted by ineffective user co-operation such as users may not hold their head properly while recognizing iris patterns. Here some of the aspects are listed down to address the other limitations of iris recognition.
- Reading both foreground & background image
- Conversion of images ranging from RGB to HSV
- Separating foreground & image background image
- Conversion of images from RGB to Grayscale
- Reading image columns & rows
- Conversion of the image into binary forms
- Noise removal by median filter application
- Boundary labeling
- Artifacts removals
Here HSV stands for Hue Saturation Value. This is how the system is facing barriers. However, this could be abolished by proper handlings. Every system is expected to perform accurately when using Matlab as a tool in any technology will abundantly give incredible results in the determined areas.
The reason behind the article’s subject is shared in the upcoming section utilizing why we are emphasizing you to do iris recognition using Matlab with crystal clear points. Shall we get into the next section? Come on let’s grab them and put it in your brains.
Our major objective is to execute an open-source system for iris recognition based on Matlab. In general, Matlab is one of the advanced tools which can ease your burdens by their significant features. The data in Matlab are represented as arrays hence it never relies on high dimensions.
In addition, they are effortlessly performing complex technical computations within a fraction of seconds that can be even vector interpretations or any matrixes. This can be possible by writing FORTRAN or C-based programs in the Matlab tool. On the other hand, Matlab is aimed at offering software-based iris recognition instead of hardware recognition.
For this primarily, the system has to acquire the iris images from various humans. As this article is intended to provide iris recognition using Matlab, here we are going to wrap the next section with the requirements in Matlab for iris recognition to make your understanding better.
Requirements in Matlab for Iris Recognition
- AD-100 Iris Guard Dual Eye Autofocus Camera
- Resolution: BMP
- Format: 1280*960
- Panasonic BMET100US Authentic Camera
- Resolution: BMP
- Format: 320*280
- LG Iris Access 2200 Camera
- Resolution: BMP
- Format: 320*280
- SONY DXC-950P 3CCD Camera
- Resolution: PNG
- Format: 576*768
- Indian LG EOU 5D
- Resolution: TIFF
- Format: 640*480
- Canon EOS 5D
- Resolution: JPEG
- Format: 800*600
- Nikon E5700 Camera
- Resolution: JPEG
- Format: 400*300
The above listed are the various sorts of cameras used for image acquisition. The image acquisition toolbox offers us diverse blocks & functions to integrate the high resolution with Simulink & Matlab. It also helps us to configure the hardware props with software.
Along with this, toolboxes are effectively processed the acquired images, triggers hardware, read the both background and foreground of the images & finally bring into lines with numerous devices accompanied.
In addition, they support almost all hardware from different vendors even with USB3 vision. Image acquisition toolboxes are effortlessly integrated with industrial scientific devices, frame grabbers, machine vision cams & 3D cams.
This is why we are suggesting handpicking Matlab for iris recognition. Now we can learn how to implement iris recognition using Matlab for the ease of your understanding. Come let’s have the quick insights. We are offering 24/7 support to students across the world at a reasonable cost. Compared to others we are offering matlab projects and research guidance in the lowest amount. Now we can move on to the next section to know about the various Matlab functions.

Matlab Functions for Iris Recognition
- Imfilter
- It is used to filter the noises in highly dimensioned images
- It is compatible with the 2D input kernels
- Medfilt2
- It deals with the 2D median filtering process
- GPU is not supported with padding features
- Iradon
- Inverse radon transforms are performed here
- Linear & nearest-neighbor methods are supported by GPU
- Imtophat
- Morphology based top-hat filtering is performed
- GPU supports with 2D & logical / uint8 input arrays
- Imrotate
- This function rotates the image
- Bicubic is the interpolation mode used in both CPU & GPU
- Default CPU & GPU have variations according to bicubic mode
- They give slender differences in image given
- Imresize
- It enlarges & resizes the given image
- Here GPU only supports cubic interpolation modes
- Antialiasing is how these functions perform
- Imregdemons
- Predicts disarranged fields by aligning 3D & 2D images
- GPU is not compatible with “pyramid level” parameters
- Imopen
- Morphology based image opening is performed
- Structuring feature 2D & 3D is supported by GPU
- And it is also supported with the logical / uint8 input arrays
- Imhist
- It computes the image’s histogram
- For displaying histogram X, counts are used
- Imfill
- This function fills the holes & regions of an image
- Besides it does not support the interactive hole filling
- GPU is only compatible with the 2D features (4 & 8)
- Imerode & Imdilate
- Imerode function erodes an image whereas Imdilate dilates the given image
- In both, logical or uint8 input array types are supported by GPU
- Besides GPU is not compatible with PACKOPT syntaxes
- Imclose & Imbothat
- Imclose function morphologically closes the given image
- Imbothat function morphologically filters the bottom-hat
- In both, flat & 2-dimensional structuring components supported by GPU
- GPU is only compatible with logical & uint8 array inputs
- Imabsdiff
- Estimates the absolute difference between 2 images
- Single & double images are supported by this function
- Edge
- This function detects the intensity image’s edges
- GPU is not supporting Canny methodologies
- Wdist
- This function computes the binary image’s distance transform
- It is supporting to the inputs lesser than 232 – 1 & 2D
- GPU is only supported to the Euclidean distance metric
These are the diverse functionalities offered by the Matlab tool according to the iris recognition processes. You may get wonder if you know more about the Matlab tool. Matlab tools are one of the emerging and unimaginable tools which become accustomed to complex computations.
Then what are waiting for? Let’s pick the project and research themes and start to work on it. The importance of doing iris recognition using matlab is stated throughout the article. So, this is your turn to make use of the opportunities offered to you.
“Let’s spectacle your individuality in each and everyone approaches researches”