Computer Science Journals for Paper Publishing are provided by us, look out for the ideas that we share which boosts up a fast publication. We assist you in choosing a journal that closely matches your research topic and methodology. Typically, journals with higher impact factors are considered more prestigious. Each journal has its own specific guidelines concerning manuscript format, length, style, and submission procedures. We are knowledgeable about the appropriate way to structure your paper to meet the expectations of the editors-in-chief.
Here is a general guide for authors looking to publish their research in computer science journals:
- Choose the Right Journal
- Relevance
- Audience
- Impact Factor
- Open Access vs. Subscription-Based
- Follow the Submission Guidelines Carefully
- Structure Your Manuscript Effectively
- Title
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- Methodology
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion.
- References
- Pay Attention to Ethical Considerations
- Plagiarism
- Data Fabrication and Falsification
- Authorship
- Prepare for Peer Review
- Address Reviewers’ Comments Thoroughly
- Consider the Impact of Your Research
- Stay Persistent
- Utilize Preprint Servers
- Be Aware of Predatory Journals
Best Computer Science Journals for Paper Publishing
Every journal has its own set of rules about how to format your manuscript, including things like length, style, and how to submit it. Following these rules can really speed up the process of getting your work published and accepted. Here are 30 journals that are renowned for publishing research in the area of image processing, along with brief details about their scope:
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- Journal of Imaging
- Pattern Recognition
- Image and Vision Computing
- Medical Image Analysis
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- Remote Sensing of Environment
- Sensors
- International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
- Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
- Pattern Recognition Letters
- Journal of Electronic Imaging
- Optics and Lasers in Engineering
- Visual Computer
- Graphical Models
- IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- Digital Signal Processing
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
- Machine Vision and Applications
- Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
- Signal, Image and Video Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
- Pattern Analysis and Applications
- Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
- Multimedia Tools and Applications
- International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)
List of Computer Science Journals for Paper Publishing
List of Computer Science Journals for Paper Publishing which can be published fast are shared below. Every journal possesses distinct requirements concerning the formatting, length, stylistic elements, and submission procedures for manuscripts. Our writers will showcase your findings with tables and figures to highlight the main points. We also make sure that your work is original and that all sources of data, ideas, and text are properly cited. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM | 8900604 | Artificial Intelligence |
2. | Computational Intelligence | 8247935 | Artificial Intelligence |
3. | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 10641246 | Artificial Intelligence |
4. | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | 9333657 | Artificial Intelligence |
5. | Artificial Intelligence Review | 2692821 | Artificial Intelligence |
6. | Neural Networks | 8936080 | Artificial Intelligence |
7. | Neural Processing Letters | 13704621 | Artificial Intelligence |
8. | Neurocomputing | 9252312 | Artificial Intelligence |
9. | Pattern Analysis and Applications | 14337541 | Artificial Intelligence |
10. | Pattern Recognition | 313203 | Artificial Intelligence |
11. | Informatica (Slovenia) | 3505596 | Artificial Intelligence |
12. | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | 7437315 | Artificial Intelligence |
13. | Parallel Computing | 1678191 | Artificial Intelligence |
14. | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | 1650114 | Artificial Intelligence |
15. | Computational Linguistics | 8912017 | Artificial Intelligence |
16. | Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics | 16107438 | Artificial Intelligence |
17. | Studies in Computational Intelligence | 1860949X | Artificial Intelligence |
18. | Understanding Complex Systems | 18600840 | Artificial Intelligence |
19. | Linguistica | 11320214 | Artificial Intelligence |
20. | International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation | 17442869 | Artificial Intelligence |
21. | Frontiers in Neurorobotics | 16625218 | Artificial Intelligence |
22. | Sistemi Intelligenti | 11209550 | Artificial Intelligence |
23. | i-Perception | 20416695 | Artificial Intelligence |
24. | Intelligent Decision Technologies | 18724981 | Artificial Intelligence |
25. | International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP | 13138502 | Artificial Intelligence |
26. | Web Intelligence | 24056456 | Artificial Intelligence |
27. | Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing | 16103947 | Artificial Intelligence |
28. | International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications |
| Artificial Intelligence |
29. | Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems | 18978649 | Artificial Intelligence |
30. | Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing | 2311004X | Artificial Intelligence |
31. | International Journal of Data and Network Science | 25618148 | Artificial Intelligence |
32. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | 24686557 | Artificial Intelligence |
33. | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles |
| Artificial Intelligence |
34. | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence |
| Artificial Intelligence |
35. | ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction |
| Artificial Intelligence |
36. | IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems | 10638210 | Software |
37. | Information Systems | 3064379 | Software |
38. | Information Systems Journal | 13501917 | Software |
39. | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | 15622479 | Software |
40. | Journal of Systems Architecture | 13837621 | Software |
41. | Journal of Manufacturing Systems | 2786125 | Software |
42. | Acta Informatica | 15903 | Software |
43. | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems | 9168532 | Software |
44. | Information Sciences | 200255 | Software |
45. | IEEE Micro | 2721732 | Software |
46. | Empirical Software Engineering | 13823256 | Software |
47. | Requirements Engineering | 9473602 | Software |
48. | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | 1615147X | Software |
49. | Proceedings – IEEE Computer Society’s International Computer Software and Applications Conference | 07303157 07306512 | Software |
50. | Proceedings – International Symposium on Computers and Communications | 15301346 | Software |
51. | Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines | 13892576 | Software |
52. | Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | 10636919 | Software |
53. | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | 1628828 | Software |
54. | Inteligencia Artificial | 11373601 | Software |
55. | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | 0888613X | Software |
56. | Pattern Recognition | 313203 | Software |
57. | Pattern Recognition Letters | 1678655 | Software |
58. | Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle | 0992499X | Software |
59. | Automatic Control and Computer Sciences | 1464116 | Software |
60. | Formal Aspects of Computing | 9345043 | Software |
61. | Optimal Control Applications and Methods | 1432087 | Software |
62. | IEEE Multimedia | 1070986X | Software |
63. | Proceedings of the Information Visualization Conference | 10939547 | Software |
64. | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 10577149 | Software |
65. | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | 10772626 | Software |
66. | International Journal of Speech Technology | 13812416 | Software |
67. | Machine Translation | 9226567 | Software |
68. | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | 10636692 | Software |
69. | IEEE Network | 8908044 | Software |
70. | Mobile Networks and Applications | 1383469X | Software |
71. | Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) |
| Software |
72. | Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing |
| Software |
73. | Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks |
| Software |
74. | International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems – ASPLOS |
| Software |
75. | Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security |
| Software |
76. | International Journal of Electronic Government Research | 15483886 | Software |
77. | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control | 13494198 | Software |
78. | Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization | 15443566 | Software |
79. | International Journal of Embedded Systems | 17411068 | Software |
80. | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | 19366442 | Software |
81. | EDPACS | 7366981 | Software |
82. | Journal of Communications Software and Systems | 18456421 | Software |
83. | International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems | 13272314 | Software |
84. | Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis | 15775097 | Software |
85. | Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems | 19765622 | Software |
86. | Transportmetrica B | 21680566 | Software |
87. | Scientific Visualization |
| Software |
88. | Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs | 18688969 | Software |
89. | Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS | 20752180 | Software |
90. | E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal | 18977979 | Software |
91. | Journal of Open Research Software |
| Software |
92. | International Journal of Semantic Computing | 1793351X | Software |
93. | Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages | 23251107 | Software |
94. | Diagnostyka | 16416414 | Software |
95. | International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism | 19473435 | Software |
96. | Systems |
| Software |
97. | Fabriksoftware | 25697692 | Software |
98. | Ledger |
| Software |
99. | Journal of Network Intelligence |
| Software |
100. | Journal of Internationalization and Localization | 20326904 | Software |
101. | AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS | 0929-5593 | Robotics |
102. | BIOINSPIRATION & BIOMIMETICS | 1748-3182 | Robotics |
103. | FRONTIERS IN NEUROROBOTICS | 1662-5218 | Robotics |
104. | IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS | 2377-3766 | Robotics |
105. | IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE | 1070-9932 | Robotics |
106. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS | 0921-0296 | Robotics |
108. | MECHATRONICS | 0957-4158 | Robotics |
110. | ROBOTICA | 0263-5747 | Robotics |
115. | JOURNAL OF BIONIC ENGINEERING | 1672-6529 | Robotics |
116. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY | 1049-331X | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
117. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE | 1553-3077 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
118. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON THE WEB | 1559-1131 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
119. | ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE | 0965-9978 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
120. | ALGORITHMICA | 0178-4617 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
121. | IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS | 1745-1361 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
122. | IET SOFTWARE | 1751-8806 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
123. | IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING | 0262-8856 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
124. | INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY | 0950-5849 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
125. | INFORMATION VISUALIZATION | 1473-8716 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
126. | MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING COMPUTATION | 1867-2949 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
127. | MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION | 0378-4754 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
128. | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS | 1380-7501 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
129. | OPTIMIZATION METHODS & SOFTWARE | 1055-6788 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
130. | PRESENCE-VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY | 1054-7460 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
131. | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | 3784754 | Computer Science (all) |
132. | ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | 7342071 | Computer Science (all) |
133. | Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics | 15430537 | Computer Science (all) |
134. | Computer Systems Science and Engineering | 2676192 | Computer Science (all) |
135. | International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering | 2185393 | Computer Science (all) |
136. | Computers in Education Journal | 10693769 | Computer Science (all) |
137. | Computers in Industry | 1663615 | Computer Science (all) |
138. | Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University | 13423819 | Computer Science (all) |
139. | Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping | 10746005 | Computer Science (all) |
140. | Computational Materials Science | 9270256 | Computer Science (all) |
141. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 3029743 | Computer Science (all) |
142. | Complexity | 10762787 | Computer Science (all) |
143. | Computers and Composition | 87554615 | Computer Science (all) |
144. | Concurrent Systems Engineering Series | 13837575 | Computer Science (all) |
145. | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic | 0195623X | Computer Science (all) |
146. | Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society | 1046500 | Computer Science (all) |
147. | Journal of Universal Computer Science | 0948695X | Computer Science (all) |
148. | Pragmatics and Cognition | 9290907 | Computer Science (all) |
149. | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | 1381298X | Computer Science (all) |
150. | Computers in the Schools | 7380569 | Computer Science (all) |
151. | Journal of Electrical Systems | 11125209 | Computer Science (all) |
152. | Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology | 1287680 | Computer Science (all) |
153. | Gyroscopy and Navigation | 20751087 | Computer Science (all) |
154. | ACM Inroads | 21532184 | Computer Science (all) |
155. | Global Journal of Engineering Education | 13283154 | Computer Science (all) |
156. | Journal of Information Technology Education:Research | 15479714 | Computer Science (all) |
157. | Frontiers of Computer Science | 20952228 | Computer Science (all) |
158. | Journal of Information and Communication Technology | 1675414X | Computer Science (all) |
159. | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | 2158656X | Computer Science (all) |
160. | International Journal of Decision Support System Technology | 19416296 | Computer Science (all) |
161. | CEUR Workshop Proceedings | 16130073 | Computer Science (all) |
162. | Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series | 1387666X | Computer Science (all) |
163. | Intelligent Systems Reference Library | 18684394 | Computer Science (all) |
164. | Cognitive Systems Monographs | 18674925 | Computer Science (all) |
165. | Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization | 18674534 | Computer Science (all) |
166. | International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems | 17578779 | Computer Science (all) |
167. | International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications | 17427371 | Computer Science (all) |
168. | Mendel | 18033814 | Computer Science (all) |
169. | Journal of ICT Research and Applications | 23375787 | Computer Science (all) |
170. | International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications | 2156177X | Computer Science (all) |
171. | Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences | 13191578 | Computer Science (all) |
172. | International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology | 20885334 | Computer Science (all) |
173. | Cogent Engineering | 23311916 | Computer Science (all) |
174. | Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences | 18123368 | Computer Science (all) |
175. | Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology | 1511788X | Computer Science (all) |
176. | IIUM Engineering Journal |
| Computer Science (all) |
177. | PeerJ Computer Science | 22502106 | Computer Science (all) |
178. | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B | 24712566 | Computer Science (all) |
179. | ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security | 18119905 | Computer Science (all) |
180. | Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Prikladnaya Matematika, Informatika, Protsessy Upravleniya | 1511788X | Computer Science (all) |
181. | International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing | 17538548 | Computer Science (all) |
182. | Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A | 25184245 | Computer Science (all) |
183. | International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering |
| Computer Science (all) |
184. | Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada | 1034308 | Computer Science (all) |
185. | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering | 9765166 | Computer Science (all) |
186. | Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications | 26662558 | Computer Science (all) |
187. | PoliTO Springer Series | 25096796 | Computer Science (all) |
188. | Advances in Technology Innovation | 24150436 | Computer Science (all) |
189. | Scientia Sinica Informationis | 16747267 | Computer Science (all) |
190. | Baltic Journal of Modern Computing | 22558942 | Computer Science (all) |
191. | European Journal of Information Systems | 0960085X | Management Information Systems |
192. | Information Society | 1972243 | Management Information Systems |
193. | Information Systems Research | 10477047 | Management Information Systems |
194. | International Journal of Information Management | 2684012 | Management Information Systems |
195. | Journal of Information Systems | 8887985 | Management Information Systems |
196. | Computational Management Science | 1619697X | Management Information Systems |
197. | Journal of Business Strategy | 2756668 | Management Information Systems |
198. | Records Management Journal | 9565698 | Management Information Systems |
199. | 4OR | 16194500 | Management Information Systems |
200. | Team Performance Management | 13527592 | Management Information Systems |