Install Scilab is a guide provided by us for our students to learn about how to install Scilab in various platforms. Scilab is open source software mainly aimed at scientific calculation and numerical computing. It works in a different environment like Console, GUI, Windows, and Embedded platforms. Scilab has numerous functions and operations for every specific application. It provides complete ease for developers working in it. It is multi-platform software which runs in
- Windows
- Linux and Ubuntu
Install Scilab In A System
To learn about Install Scilab, first, we need to know about the binary files. In general Scilab binary file is available in .tar.gz fie format which can be downloaded from the respective sites. Binary versions vary based upon the operating system we use and the processor configuration (32 bit and 64 bit). After we choose the binary file, set the path for the binary file using
<Path>/scilab 5.4.1(version used)/bin/scilab
Here we have explained the binary files. Below we have mentioned about the details of the binary file according to the operating system used. Now let’s see about the installation step according to each operating system.
Installation Of Scilab
Installation In Ubuntu 15.04
Start The Installation Process Using
- /home/scilab 5.4.1
Open A Terminal Window And Type The Command
- Sudo apt-get install scilab
- Once the software get installed, fin an Icon on the left side bar of the operating system.
Open The Software And Start The Toolbox Installation. For Example
- Install Image processing Toolbox: atoms Install(‘IPD’)
- When the overall installation process is over, restart the program and load Scilab macros, gateways and other dependencies which are needed for the module.

Installation In Linux OS
To install scilab in Linux operating system, we have two executable files
- Scilab-cli
- Scilab-adv-cli
- And so on
Terminal Commands Used To Install
$ cd scilab -5.5.1
$ cd bin
$ ./scilab
Echo $ PATH//used to set path
$ cd scilab-5.5.1
We Can Also Install Scilab In Windows Using The Executable Files Like
- exe
- exe
And for Mac OS installation is same as Linux.
We have emphasized about the installation process in Ubuntu and Linux. We also work in Windows and help students with windows installation. It is the students who wish to choose the platform. We also work on all the platforms in which Scilab works and have done numerous projects using each platform. We start our work with the installation process and implement the advanced concept in Scilab. Students who work with us can know our work, as we even teach about the installation and also provide support for it. We are also ready to work on any platform and concept, as per the student’s wish.