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The performance analysis of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) is a significant as well as intriguing process that must be carried out by following several procedures. Related to performance analysis in VANETs, we recommend a few project plans, along with major tools and metrics: 

  1. Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in VANETs:
  • Goal: In various contexts, the performance of diverse routing protocols like GPSR, DSR, and AODV has to be compared.
  • Metrics: Routing overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay, and packet delivery ratio.
  • Major Tools: MATLAB, NS-3, and Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO).
  1. Impact of Vehicle Density on VANET Performance:
  • Goal: We plan to examine how the network performance is impacted by diverse vehicle densities.
  • Metrics: Latency, packet delivery ratio, and network connectivity.
  • Major Tools: OMNeT++, SUMO, and NS-3.
  1. Evaluation of VANET Communication under Urban and Highway Scenarios:
  • Goal: Specifically in various platforms like highway vs. city, the performance of VANETs must be analyzed.
  • Metrics: Interaction range, packet loss, and signal resilience.
  • Major Tools: MATLAB, SUMO, and NS-3.
  1. Performance Analysis of VANET Security Protocols:
  • Goal: In VANETs, the efficiency and robustness of safety protocols have to be assessed.
  • Metrics: Strength against assaults (such as Sybil, DDoS), overhead, and latency.
  • Major Tools: Veins, OMNeT++, and NS-3.
  1. QoS (Quality of Service) in VANETs for Real-Time Applications:
  • Goal: For different applications such as VoIP and video streaming, examine the VANETs in terms of their QoS metrics.
  • Metrics: Throughput, latency, packet loss, and jitter.
  • Major Tools: Wireshark, SUMO, and NS-3.
  1. Scalability Analysis of VANETs:
  • Goal: As the network dimension and number of vehicles expands, the scalability of VANETs should be analyzed.
  • Metrics: Packet delivery ratio, latency, and network throughput.
  • Major Tools: MATLAB, SUMO, and NS-3.
  1. Energy Efficiency in VANET Communications:
  • Goal: The utilization of energy has to be assessed. To improve energy effectiveness in VANETs, we suggest robust techniques.
  • Metrics: Interaction overhead, network durability, and energy usage per node.
  • Major Tools: SUMO, NS-3, and OMNeT++.
  1. Impact of Mobility Models on VANET Performance:
  • Goal: On VANET performance, the effect of various mobility frameworks (like Manhattan, random) must be compared.
  • Metrics: Network connectivity, latency, and packet delivery ratio.
  • Major Tools: MATLAB, NS-3, and SUMO.
  1. Performance Analysis of Data Dissemination Techniques in VANETs:
  • Goal: Consider different data dissemination approaches such as geocast, broadcast, and others, and assess their performance.
  • Metrics: Redundancy, latency, and delivery ratio.
  • Major Tools: OMNeT++, Veins, and NS-3.
  1. VANET Performance Analysis under Adverse Weather Conditions:
  • Goal: Our project examines how the VANET performance is influenced by harmful weather states (like fog, rain).
  • Metrics: Interaction range, packet loss, and signal attenuation.
  • Major Tools: MATLAB, SUMO, and NS-3.

How to simulate vanet projects using veins?

The process of executing vehicular network simulations can be conducted through the use of frameworks such as Veins (Vehicles in Network Simulation). Two major tools like SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) and a discrete event simulator (OMNeT++) are integrated in this framework. To build and simulate VANET projects with Veins, we offer a procedural instruction in a clear manner: 

Step 1: Install Necessary Software

  1. OMNeT++:
  • From omnetpp.org, we have to download and install OMNeT++.
  • In terms of our operating system, adhere to the installation guidelines.
  1. SUMO:
  • Visit sumo.dlr.de to download and install SUMO.
  • Regarding the operating system, stick to the installation guidelines.
  1. Veins:
  • From veins.car2x.org, we need to download Veins.
  • The Veins file has to be retrieved to a specific directory.

Step 2: Arrange the platform

  1. Set up OMNeT++:
  • Direct to the OMNeT++ installation file after opening a terminal.
  • Through accessing the setenv script, build the platform

source setenv

  1. Combine Veins with OMNeT++:
  • After that, go to the Veins file

cd path/to/veins

  • Consider the below specified command to set up the Veins project



  1. Set up SUMO:
  • The SUMO binaries have to be in our system’s PATH, so confirming this aspect is important. To the .bashrc or .bash_profile, append the following command:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/sumo/bin

Step 3: Execute a Simulation Instance

  1. Prepare a Simulation Context:
  • Some example contexts are generally encompassed in the Veins file. In Veins, go to the examples directory.

cd examples/veins

  1. Initiate SUMO:
  • Along with a configuration file, initiate SUMO after opening a novel terminal.

sumo-gui -c path/to/veins/examples/veins/omnetpp.sumo.cfg

  1. Execute the OMNeT++ Simulation:
  • Go to the Veins example file in the initial terminal (in which the OMNeT++ setup is created) and execute the simulation:

cd path/to/veins/examples/veins


  • Through this, the OMNeT++ simulation platform will be established. In the OMNeT++ GUI, select the “Run” button to begin the simulation.

Step 4: Alter the Simulation

  1. Edit SUMO Setup:
  • To specify the road network, traffic light setups, kinds of vehicle, and routes, alter the SUMO configuration file (.sumo.cfg).
  1. Edit OMNeT++ Setup:
  • In order to set up the simulation parameters, node parameters, and network topology, change the OMNeT++ INI file (omnetpp.ini) and the network description file (.ned).
  1. Apply Custom Modules:
  • For simulating particular protocols or activities, it is possible to develop and apply custom modules in OMNeT++. The custom C++ modules have to be drafted and combined with the framework such as Veins.

Step 5: Examine the Outcomes

  1. Gather and Visualize Data:
  • To gather and visualize simulation data, different tools are offered by OMNeT++. For the external analysis process, export data or utilize the built-in analysis tools.
  1. Performance Metrics:
  • The major performance metrics related to our analysis must be specified and assessed. It could include network overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay, and packet delivery ratio.

Supplementary Resources

  • Veins Documentation: Veins Documentation
  • SUMO Documentation: SUMO Documentation
  • OMNeT++ User Guide: OMNeT++ User Guide

Through these procedures, it is easier to examine different factors of vehicular networks by building and executing VANET simulations with the Veins framework. 


VANET Projects Topics & Ideas

 Indulge in the realm of VANET Projects Topics & Ideas with our exquisite collection of essential tools tailored to bring your project to life. Our distinguished team meticulously crafts a compelling research proposal, meticulously outlining objectives, methods, and the profound significance of the study. Through the adept utilization of diverse statistical and analytical techniques, we conduct thorough comparison analyses of recent papers, offering insights from our referenced sources. Delve into the captivating ideas presented below…

  1. Maximizing VANET performance in cluster head selection using Intelligent Fuzzy Bald Eagle optimization
  2. Microgrid based VANET monitoring and energy management in 5G networks by reinforcement deep learning techniques
  3. Decentralized Receiver-based Link Stability-aware Forwarding Scheme for NDN-based VANETs
  4. D-BLAC: A dual blockchain-based decentralized architecture for authentication and communication in VANET
  5. A blockchain-enabled, trust and location dependent – Privacy preserving system in VANET
  6. DARVAN: A fully decentralized anonymous and reliable routing for VANets
  7. Fr-Aro: Secure interference aware fuzzy based clustering and hybrid optimization driven data routing in VANETs
  8. Routing protocols in Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs): A comprehensive survey
  9. BAC-CRL: Blockchain-Assisted Coded Caching Certificate Revocation List for Authentication in VANETs
  10. Enhancing OLSR protocol in VANETs with multi-objective particle swarm optimization
  11. Blockchain-assisted certificateless signcryption for vehicle-to-vehicle communication in VANETs
  12. LPPA-RCM: A lightweight privacy-preserving authentication scheme for road condition monitoring in fog-based VANETs
  13. Security frameworks without the third-party infrastructure in VANETs with detailed security strength and overhead analyses
  14. Robust backbone network based on hybrid selection of relays for multi-hop data dissemination in VANETs
  15. BCGS: Blockchain-assisted privacy-preserving cross-domain authentication for VANETs
  16. Floyd–Warshalls algorithm and modified advanced encryption standard for secured communication in VANET
  17. An efficient key validation mechanism with VANET in real-time cloud monitoring metrics to enhance cloud storage and security
  18. Efficient VANET handover scheme using SSDN by incorporating media independent handover framework
  19. Energy efficient clustering with Heuristic optimization based Routing protocol for VANETs
  20. An authentication approach in SDN-VANET architecture with Rider-Sea Lion optimized neural network for intrusion detection

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