
Solar Energy Simulation


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Introduction of solar energy simulation

Generally, solar power is a kind of energy which is derived from the Sun. Sun lights are collected by the solar panels. Then the solar panel is useful to convert the solar energy in to   the electrical energy. This is an alternative source of electricity and using of solar energy is reducing the electricity cost.

“This article is mainly designed for the purpose gaining your knowledge about the solar energy simulation and this also a basic initial step of your future projects”

            If we consider the simulation process in solar power it mainly done by the photovoltaic cells. This cell received the energy from the sun then the semiconductors which is placed in photovoltaic cells that converts the solar energy in to the power generation.

Uses of Solar Energy Simulation

            This is useful for many purposes such as,

  • Industrial and commercial use
  • To generating the electricity for comfortable indoor environment
  • Heating water for the domestic purpose

So, these are the some uses of Solar power Simulation. We hope you are getting the point. In fact, our experts are always focusing on the understanding of the students in the explained fields. For this, they are habitually updating their skill sets in the technical aspects. Then we are going to know about some modules in solar energy simulation and what is the purpose of that kind module.

Modules and purpose of solar modules

  • Solar module
    • This module having one photovoltaic cell these cells are connected with number of solar cells.
    • The main goal of each solar cell is getting the light source from the sun and generates the power.
    • Collection of solar module it have the capable for producing the electricity for the buildings.

The above mentioned modules are in the solar energy simulation and also the purpose of solar module. We hope this above passage helps you to understand the solar module. In the forthcoming section we have mentioned you about the plugins and purpose of plugins which are used in the solar energy simulation.

Plugins and purpose of plugins

  • Skelion
    • This is also known as Sketchup solar plugin which is mainly designed for the install the renewable energy sources and adding with the Google Maps, SAM, PVGYS and PVWATTS.

This is the plugin that is widely used in solar energy simulation. Then the upcoming section we are going to know about the important classes and purpose of those classes of solar energy simulation.

Important classes and purpose of classes

  • Simple Solar Cell And Panel Model
    • For NS cells, this class used to compute the voltage with reverse graph x and y cells.
    • Cell computations, here computer the current and power of various temperature and sun. Then computer the difference between data and model.
    • Panel is having more number of cells which connected in series manner.

As a matter of fact, we are deliberately offering the projects based on the solar energy simulation. We know the requisites involved in the emerging technology. In fact, we are subject to the benchmark reviews on the research and project guidance rendered. In the upcoming section, we will go through about some basic requirements of solar energy simulation.

Requirements of Solar Energy Simulation

  • Integrated tools: SolarPILO
    • This tool is designed by NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and main purpose of this tool is to characterize and generates the power of the central receiver.
    • This tool also having two kinds of interfaces there are Application Programming Interfaces(API) and Graphical User Interfaces(GUI) because of these interfaces other programs also can use the functionalities  of this tool.
  • Programming languages: Perl 5.26.1
  • Supported OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (minimum 8.1)
    • Disk Recommended: SSD is recommended
    • RAM Recommended: 8GB
    • Processor Recommended: AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores or any Intel.
  • Versions
    • R2017a(MATLAB 9.2)
    • R2017b(MATLAB 9.3)
  • Protocol: Quantification Protocol
    • Mainly this protocol is used for grouping the projects of separate renewable electricity’s. To know the common operation of distributed energy system is mandatory.
    • Another purpose of this protocol is to address the grid solar and wind energy generation projects with the capacity is less than 1MW and find the consumer of this electric distribution system.
  • Related Subjects
    • Solar energy system, opportunities and challenges
    • Solar energy for beginners

These are some requirements of solar energy simulation under this topic we are discussing about such as tool, programming languages, versions, supporting OS, protocols and also related subjects.

In the upcoming section we will go through about the some parameters of solar energy simulations. Let’s we try to understand them quickly. This is illustrated to you, for the ease of your understanding. Shall we get in those parameters? Let’s we go!

Solar energy simulation parameters

            The forthcoming list contains the details that are parameters and values respectively.

  • Zenith Angle (θz)- 30.34 Deg
  • Equation of Time (E)- 3.86 Mint
  • Azimuth Angle (A)- 109.594 Deg
  • Declination Angle (δ)- 17.87 Deg
  • Solar Altitude (α)- 59.95 Deg
  • Solar Hour (h)- 30 Deg

These are the parameters of solar energy simulations. Then the forthcoming section we need to know the subject wise modules such as SUMO, VANET, VEINS, and OMNeT++ so on continuously we go through the main syntax of solar energy simulation also. Are you ready for it? Let’s move on!

Subject wise modules for solar energy simulation

  • Velocity adjustment
    • It is a kind of package for wind turbine. Here cal is an important package for predict the different velocities in road section and also it is used to calculate the accurate boundary time.

Working of Solar Energy Simulation

  • To determine the specific data and also optimize the datasets.
    • Here considering binary data and also the original data for example population of data is denoted by the single data it’s give the better optimizing result. If a person wants some additional requirement that objective can be eliminated.
  • Repeat the above mentioned step for getting a best fitness result.
  • The value of the fitness function is always zero because of avoid the duplicates for increasing the redundancy.
  • Stop the code and run the simulation for getting the evaluation result.

Actually, in our concern we are dynamically offering the research and project guidance in the relevant fields. We have plenty of innovative project idea in solar energy simulations. If you need any assistance in the modern field then cling with us to yield the best outcomes of your planned project. The upcoming passage is all about the applications, algorithms, areas and some metrics of solar energy simulations.

Applications of solar energy simulation

  • Solar-Based Vehicular Networks
    • Communication vehicles to reduce the values of energy consumption by decrease the transmitted packet counts. Every vehicle has the functionality of light sensor and GPS this is helps to give knowledge of velocity of roads and illumination of current solar.

Algorithms for solar energy simulation

  • Sun tracking algorithm
    • This algorithm is mainly used for increasing the production of renewable solar energy systems. In the hardware side, this algorithm is used to realize the description language for hardware.
  • Routing: Time-Bounded Routing Protocol
  • Solar vehicles are performed under time boundary because charging the battery and routing request process are work simultaneously.

Research Area in Solar energy

  • Solar Water Heating
    • The unit of solar water heater is a metal in black flat plate and also having some metal tubing that fixed is directly face the sun.

Advantages of Solar Energy

  • Energy consumption ratio
  • Better energy
  • Arrival ratio

So far, we will discuss about application, algorithms, areas and some advantages of solar energy simulation. In this following passage we will gain our ideas about what are the major process and major steps are followed in this simulator and also we have to know about some methods and routing protocols of solar energy simulation.

Major process: Data Synthesis

  • The priority of simulation process is fixed based on decreasing the error rate among two searching algorithm and synthesizing and processing the heavy size data is a complex task.

Major steps: Velocity Prediction Steps

  • Start the simulation process
  • Each solar vehicle need to check their battery. If capacity of the battery having full energy the vehicle goes to their respective routes
  • Total road distance and bounded time is used to find the velocity
  • Each vehicle has the capacity of predict their perfect velocity
  • Stop the simulation process

Simulation Analysis of Solar Energy System


  • Kurtosis
  • Skewness
  • Order derivative


  • Root mean square error (RMSE)

These are some parameters used in solar energy simulation. Usually, it needs expert’s guidance to yield the best outcomes of the planned project or research. As we are rendering you can approach us if you are interested. Finally, in this upcoming section we are going to know about some recent project titles using this kind of solar energy simulation.

Solar Energy based Project Topics

  • Virtual prototyping solar tracking system
  • Design of Energy Efficient Sensors
  • Solar energy conversion system
  • Solar PV Panel – Reflectors and Bi-Axial Tilting Mechanism
  • PV Tracker Using Low-Cost CMOS Circuitry

This article is specially designed to give some project ideology based on solar energy simulation and always provide well knowledge about solar system. We are developed and developing plenty of projects based upon solar energy simulation. We are always ready to give guidance about your research papers. So join with us for developing your project ideas. If you have any queries kindly contact us.

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