
Retail Machine Learning Projects


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Retail is one of the parts in machine learning that is very essential for us because it consists of numerous data activated through customer transactions, online transactions and other Contacts. matlabsimualtion.com has done various projects on Retail Machine Learning Projects we have done more than 7000+ projects tailored to scholars preferences. Comparative Analysis are carried on using trending journals we will share all the reference papers that we used for your research so be positive while working with us, all your work will be openly discussed with you. Enquire about your doubts or support to our team for more assistance.

The enlisted topics are some of the various prospective machine learning projects in the retail areas are,

  1. Sales Forecasting :

The possible sales are predicted by us   for the specified products or classification depending on historical sales data, occasions and exterior components like holidays and promotions.

  • Data: It stores data such as historical sales records, promotions, store traffic and external occasions.
  • Models: The tools used in this area are time series forecasting (ARIMA, Prophet), XGBoost, Regression and LSTM.
  1. Demand Forecasting :

We forecast the future requirements for products to improve stock levels and it decreases the stocks and sales cost.

  • Data: Past purchase data, stock levels and lead times are the gathered data.
  • Models: Utilize techniques like Regression, Decision Trees and Time series analysis.
  1. Price Optimization:

This regulates our extreme pricing tactics for products dealing with some factors like commands, rival prices and occasions.

  • Data: This type of data collects the competitor prices, customer demographics and Historical sales and pricing data.
  • Models: Regression and Reinforcement Learning are the models deployed in this process.
  1. Customer Segmentation:

For designing the expected marketing tactics, we classify the customers in the order of purchasing behaviour, preferences and other common attributes.

  • Data: Transaction history, customer demographics and online behaviour are the fetched data.
  • Models: The models involved are Clustering (K-Means, Hierarchical) and PCA for dimensionality reduction.
  1. Market Basket Analysis:

We detect the products that even bought cooperatively to operate cross-selling and upselling.

  • Data: It stores the transaction records.
  • Models: Association rule mining is the employed model.
  1. Churn Prediction:

The customers who want to quit their business with retail stores are predicted by us.

  • Data: Engagement metrics, reviews and customer transaction history are the reserved data’s.
  • Models: It includes techniques like Logistic Regression, Random Forest and Gradient Boosted Trees.
  1. Inventory Optimization:

The index level is enhanced and makes sure our product accessibility still reduces the stocks and sales cost.

  • Data: Inventory optimization fetches data from Sales data, stock levels and distributes chain metrics.
  • Models: Time series analysis, Neural Networks and Regression are the tools employed in this process.
  1. Recommendation Systems:

Depending on the earlier purchases or related customer behaviour, we suggest the products to relevant customers.

  • Data: This involves data such as purchase history, product ratings and feedback.
  • Models: The models that suit for performing recommendation systems like Collaborative Filtering, Content-Based Filtering, Matrix Factorization and Neural networks.
  1. Store Layout Optimization:

Our ideal store design is resolved for increasing the sales or advancing the customer experience.

  • Data: Sales data by store location, customer purchase paths and foot traffic sensors are the fetched data’s.
  • Models: We apply Reinforcement Learning, Clustering for this method.
  1. Sentiment Analysis:

The customer’s feedback is analysed by us and reviews help in evaluating the sentiments by considering the products or inclusive brand insights.

  • Data: It mainly reserves the data’s like: Customer reviews, feedback and social media tags.
  • Models: It consist of (NLP) Natural Language Processing models,(LSTM) Long Short-Term Memory, BERT and Fast Text .
  1. Fraud Detection:

We detect fraudulent transactions in real-time to protect from failure.

  • Data: It stores data like transaction details and customer behaviour patterns.
  • Models: The techniques occupied in fraud detection are Logistic Regression, Neural Networks and Anomaly Detection.

Mechanisms & Libraries:

  • Data Handling & EDA: The tools involved are pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib and Seaborn.
  • Modelling: In modelling, the techniques used are scikit-learn TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, FastText, and Surprise for suggestions.
  • Time Series: Prophet and statsmodels are the time series libraries.


  1. Data Privacy: The customer data must confirm the privacy and be attached to perception like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
  2. Data Quality: We deploy huge retail datasets but it is very clumsy. So, data processing and cleaning is very essential.
  3. Scalability: The solutions are executed by us that measure the hike of data which is crucial specifically for huge retail chains.
  4. Real-time Processing: Few applications similar to fraud detection that want real-time data processing and forecasting.

Guiding our project with the perfect approach and accurate techniques, Machine learning crucially improves the retail operations, customer experiences and net profit.

Retail Machine Learning Projects Thesis Ideas

The thesis ideas for retail machine learning projects will be disseminated within your designated field. Our proficient technical specialists possess extensive knowledge of the issue you intend to investigate in your research. We assure you that your retail machine learning research goals and thesis will have a broader significance beyond mere academic inquiry.

  1. Demand Forecasting Using Machine Learning to Manage Product Inventory for Multi-channel Retailing Store


Machine Learning, CatBoost, Retail Store, Demand Forecasting, Inventory Management, Product Inventory

            A framework for predicting consumer demand by employing ML techniques to handle the product invention for multiple channel retailing stores is proposed in this study. To develop a demand predicting framework is the major goal of this study by utilizing CatBoost algorithm. Our framework’s performance is compared with other frameworks that developed by using XGBoost and Linear Regression method.

  1. Customer Segmentation in Retailing using Machine Learning Techniques


Customer Segmentation, Product Segmentation, Clustering, Business, Clients

            To obtain results, consumers and goods are split into various categories based on several factors is the ultimate aim of this article. We employed various methods that can be used to find out valuable and genuine customers, to identify hidden patterns in information and to understand customer purchasing patterns. Cluster analysis is performed in our article to enhance the decision making process and to develop an efficient framework.

  1. The Role of Machine Learning Analysis and Metrics in Retailing Industry by using Progressive Analysis Pattern Technique


Pattern Mapping, Utility mining Approach, Progressive analysis, Customer Prediction methodology

            To forecast the future consumer purchasing habits in online shopping, Progressive Analysis Pattern Technique is suggested in our paper. Dynamic data handling is integrated in our system and it will provide purpose substantially for industries’ point of view because our system mainly concentrated on consumer features based on the previous purchase’s quantity of goods and differentiations in price of goods. Our study concentrated on empirical targeting models.

  1. Predictive Analysis for Retail Shops using Machine Learning for Maximizing Revenue


Data Cleaning Prediction System, K-Means Clustering algorithm

            Various ML techniques are examined in our study to handle the small store’s invention and to predict the future demand of goods. The predictions that we are made has an adverse effect on retail places and also on supply chains. By employing ML methods, substantial amount of data are processed and utilized for prediction purpose. This model will assist the small retail stores to improve their profits and it also aims to perform consumer segmentation procedure.

  1. Interpretable Machine Learning for Predicting Customer Churn in Retail Banking


Customer Churn, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Intelligent systems

            An understandable ML framework is utilized in our article to directly forecast why some consumers stopped the utilizations of several retail banking. A deep clustering is employed for extracting features from the available data. Several datasets are used to predict the consumer churn. To tackle the issue of data imbalancing, SMOTE method is employed. As a result, random forest, a tree-based algorithm provides better outcomes.

  1. A Gaussian process regression machine learning model for forecasting retail property prices with Bayesian optimizations and cross-validation


Gaussian process regression, Bayesian optimizations, Real estate price forecasting, Cross-validation, Retail property, Chinese market

            By utilizing Gaussian process regression framework, the issue of price modifications in retail stores is predicting among various cities. For the development of prediction framework by using Bayesian optimization and cross-validation, we evaluated various kernels, basis functions, and two predictor standardization options. For examining retail prices of goods, market employers can use this prediction framework.

  1. Detecting the Employee Satisfaction in Retail: A Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Machine Learning approach


Employee satisfaction, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), word cloud, Predictive analytics

            Our suggested paper has two phases, in the first phase; several retail sector organizations’ employee reviews are examined by utilizing Latent Dirichlet Allocation. To forecast the employees’ satisfaction using IBM SPSS Modeler 18.2.1, data are gathered from the employees. Our technique employed in this article overcomes the issues in utilizing consumer’s reviews to predict the satisfaction of employees.

  1. Features of Low and Highly Susceptible Individuals in Retail Investment Fraud: A Machine Learning – Based Analysis


Feature selection, retail investment scam, personality traits, emotional intelligence, financial literacy

            By employing ML approaches, we examining the features of a person who is responsive for retail investment fraud. For gathering of data, purposive sampling is utilized. Various factors are considered for analysis purposes. For feature selection procedure, data are processed by the Boruta algorithm. K-means clustering technique is also employed in our research. Results show that, our work performs efficiently against retail investment frauds.

  1. A Comparative Study of Demand Forecasting Models for a Multi-Channel Retail Company: A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Approach


Statistical methods, Random forest, XGBoost, AdaBoost, Gradient boosting

            Our suggested integrated RF-XGBoost-LR framework is compared with many ML approaches such as random forest (RF), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), gradient boosting, adaptive boosting (AdaBoost), and artificial neural network (ANN) methods for retail sales prediction. Our framework will assist the organizations to decide wisely and to enhance the prediction methods. At last, the suggested framework achieved highest results than others.

  1. A numeric-based machine learning design for detecting organized retail fraud in digital marketplaces

            To recognize and segregate the ORC listings in an appropriate market place by analyzing whether the trader involved in any crimes or not, we proposed a ML methodology. Supervised learning method is utilized in our study to categorize postings as scammed or real related to the old data of customer and trader behaviors. To categorize fraud and genuine listings, our work integrates data preprocessing, feature selection, and traditional asymmetry resolution methods.

Retail Machine Learning Thesis Ideas

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