
Recommendation System Project Machine Learning


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Machine learning based recommendation system construction is a famous concept that provides an importance of recommendation framework in various applications such as music streaming, online purchasing and movie suggestions. Below, we describe the procedural flow to develop a recommendation framework:

  1. Problem Description:

Describe the type of recommendation framework that we intend to develop:

  • Collaborative Filtering: Based on customer-product communications, our work suggests products.
  • Content-Based Filtering: In this, by comparing content characteristics, we suggest products.
  • Integrated Model: We integrate collaborative and content-based filtering approaches.
  • Learning-to-Rank: Our project ranks the provided group of products for customers.
  1. Data Collection:
  • Initially, we begin with the datasets such as MovieLens dataset and also acquire datasets having customer-product communications (buying history, reviews, clicks, etc.).
  • Gather product metadata (for instance: item description, film categories), if we are dealing with a content-based approach.
  1. Preprocessing of Data:
  • In the preprocessing steps, we manage the missing values.
  • Our work encodes categorical information.
  • If required, we normalize or standardize number-based data.
  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
  • We interpret the distribution of reviews or customer communications.
  • In customer activities, we detect patterns.
  • For content-based filtering, our project examines the distribution of product metadata.
  1. Feature Engineering:
  • Our work intends to transform product metadata into feature vectors (for example: TF-IDF for text-related data) in a content-based filtering approach.
  • We directly utilize customer and product IDs with techniques such as matrix factorization in collaborative filtering.
  1. Model Chosen:
  • Collaborative Filtering: In this approach, we employ deep learning frameworks like neural collaborative filtering and matrix factorization techniques (for instance: Singular Value Decomposition).
  • Content-based Filtering: Our work utilizes decision trees, Cosine similarity and Neural networks assist us to work on product features.
  • Integrated Model: We integrate the frameworks from the above two approaches.
  1. Training the Model:
  • Our project divides the data into training sets and validation or testing sets.
  • By using training dataset, we train our chosen framework
  1. Evaluation:
  • Root Mean Square Error (RMSE): We consider this for frameworks which forecast ratings.
  • Precision@k, Recall@k: For models which suggest a list of products, we utilize these metrics.
  • Mean Average Precision, NDCG: Our project considers this specifically for ranking tasks.
  1. Optimization:
  • In this process, we adjust the hyperparameters.
  • Our work considers the utilization of integrated techniques.
  1. Deployment:
  • With a mobile or web application, we combine our recommendation framework.
  • Our research offers customers with suggestions in actual-time or batch mode.
  1. Feedback Loop:
  • We capture the customer reviews on suggestions.
  • Our goal is to frequently reconstruct and retrain the framework through the utilization of these reviews.

Tools & Libraries:

  • Data Handling & EDA: For this purpose, we use Seaborn, NumPy, pandas or Matplotlib.
  • Collaborative Filtering: In this approach, our project considers TensorFlow, Surprise library or Keras.
  • Content-Based Filtering: We utilize Scikit-learn for cosine similarity and TF-IDF.


  • Cold Start Problem: It is difficult for us to manage the new customers or products without any communications. Therefore, at first, utilize integrated models or content-based suggestions.
  • Diversity: Make sure our framework doesn’t suggest similar kinds of products frequently, because it leads to a filter bubble.
  • Scalability: For huge-scale suggestion frameworks, we need distributed computing approaches such as Spark (with the use of ALS technique for collaborative filtering).

We conclude that the creation of a recommendation framework is a complicated one but it is a very beneficial attempt, providing its actual-world applications and effectively improving customer experience in several applications. Often we need to retrain our framework, integrate customer reviews and adapt to modify patterns and suggestions.  

Recommendation System Project Machine Learning   Thesis Ideas

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  1. Music Recommendation System Using Machine Learning


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            A music recommendation model is suggested in our study by employing ML approaches. This framework includes three phases; they are collaborative filtering, content based and approach based on half a breed. Based on the reviews of previous listeners, the suggested song list is organized utilizing K-means technique. Therefore, without wasting the time, this model will assist the users to select the songs of their own choice effectively.

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Recommendation System Project Machine Learning Thesis Topics

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