
NLP Topics for Research


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In contemporary years, there are numerous topics that are progressing in the domain of Natural Language Processing (NLP).If you are looking for perfect expert guidance then matlabsimulation.com will be your trusted partner. Read some of the ideas that are shared below. We provide few topics, together with gaps and possible research focus for upcoming investigation:

  1. Explainable AI (XAI) in NLP

Major Research Gaps:

  • Lack of Granularity: Mostly, delicate descriptions for certain forecasting are insufficient in latest interpretability techniques such as SHAP, attention, LIME.
  • Bias in Interpretability: Generally, explainability approaches might be deceptive or initiate unfairness.

Possible Research Focus:

  • To offer human-interpretable, delicate descriptions, aim to construct novel approaches.
  • It is appreciable to explore unfairness that are initiated by recent interpretability techniques and suggest remedial criterions.
  1. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA)

Major Research Gaps:

  • Implicit Aspect Detection: By neglecting implicit factors, many frameworks concentrate on clear factor terminologies.
  • Cross-Domain Generalization: There is difficulty for ABSA systems to generalize among fields.

Possible Research Focus:

  • Through utilizing commonsense reasoning or contrastive learning, aim to investigate algorithms to identify implicit factors.
  • To enhance cross- domain generalization, construct domain adaptation or multi-task learning approaches.
  1. Cross-Lingual NLP for Low-Resource Languages

Major Research Gaps:

  • Lack of Training Data: There is a lack of annotated datasets for low-resource languages.
  • Translation Bias: Cross-lingual frameworks might be prejudiced by machine translation artifacts.

Possible Research Focus:

  • In order to enable transfer learning among languages, focus on utilizing meta-learning approaches.
  • To reduce translation unfairness in cross-lingual systems, construct debiasing approaches.
  1. Bias and Fairness in NLP Models

Major Research Gaps:

  • Limited Evaluation Metrics: Mostly, intersectional unfairness is neglected by recent fairness parameters.
  • Bias Detection Techniques: Delicate or implicit unfairness might be lacking by bias identification approaches.

Possible Research Focus:

  • Novel evaluation bias detection approaches have to be suggested in such a manner that they seize intersectional unfairness in a more extensive way.
  • Concentrating on delicate unfairness in embeddings and frameworks, create improved bias identification approaches.
  1. Open-Domain Question Answering (QA)

Major Research Gaps:

  • Knowledge Base Coverage: The major research gaps are the latest open-domain QA frameworks that depend on static knowledge bases.
  • Multi-Hop Reasoning: Management of multi-hop queries needing complicated interpretation is determined as problematic.

Possible Research Focus:

  • It is beneficial to construct dynamic, actual-time upgrading knowledge bases mainly for open-domain QA models.
  • To combine knowledge graphs and graph neural networks for multi-hop interpreting, aim to develop QA frameworks.
  1. Multi-Modal Learning in NLP

Major Research Gaps:

  • Feature Fusion Challenges: The process of integrating characteristics among types in an effective manner is determined as complicated.
  • Domain Generalization: Typically, multi-modal frameworks find it difficult to generalize among various fields.

Possible Research Focus:

  • Focus on formulating novel attention mechanisms in order to effectively coordinate and combine characteristics among kinds.
  • To enhance cross-domain generalization of multi-modal systems, research domain adaptation approaches.
  1. Few-Shot Learning and Zero-Shot Learning in NLP

Major Research Gaps:

  • Task Generalization: There is constrained capability in recent few-shot systems to generalize among missions.
  • Prompt Engineering: The procedure of developing best prompts for zero-shot learning is examined as problematic.

Possible Research Focus:

  • Task-agnostic framework has to be constructed that are able to generalize among numerous missions in few-shot scenarios.
  • For automated prompt engineering, utilize reinforcement learning approaches.
  1. Incremental and Continual Learning in NLP

Major Research Gaps:

  • Catastrophic Forgetting: Mostly, when learning novel missions, frameworks fail to remember existing learned missions.
  • Memory Efficiency: For continual learning, effectively handling memory sustains to be difficult.

Possible Research Focus:

  • In order to avoid catastrophic forgetting in transformers, aim to model novel regularization techniques.
  • To stabilize previous and novel mission knowledge, construct dynamic memory management approaches.
  1. NLP for Social Good

Major Research Gaps:

  • Real-Time Detection Issues: The procedure of implementing actual-time tracking models such as cyberbullying, misinformation is determined as complicated.
  • Underrepresentation of Marginalized Groups: NLP models based on marginalized committees are insufficient.

Possible Research Focus:

  • Utilizing learning approaches, develop scalable actual-time identification frameworks for virtual damage.
  • To depict and solve marginalized voices in NLP study, explore suitable methodologies.
  1. Emergent Communication and Language Evolution in NLP

Major Research Gaps:

  • Symbol Grounding: The unresolved issue is the way of interpreting how notations obtain meaning.
  • Compositionality: Normally, compositionality is insufficient in recent emergent communication protocols.

Possible Research Focus:

  • For symbol grounding, it is better to explore multi-agent reinforcement learning models.
  • To motivate compositionality in emergent interaction, construct negotiation-related protocols.

How to Approach Finding Research Gaps:

  1. Literature Review: It is approachable to carry out an extensive analysis of current survey papers and best conferences such as NAACL, EMNLP, ACL.
  2. Benchmark Analysis: Focus on examining where previous frameworks fail, through contrasting them to human standards.
  3. Collaboration and Networking: To detect less investigated limitations and realistic issues, it is beneficial to consult with mentors and peers.
  4. Datasets and Competitions: In order to interpret the gaps in recent standards, explore datasets and Kaggle competitions.

Which library should I use for NLP research, PyTorch or TensorFlow?

Both PyTorch or TensorFlow, each contains significant advantages. We suggest an extensive comparison of both libraries encompassing their major characteristics, libraries, application areas. On the basis of your NLP study, select the one which is more efficient and suitable.


Major Characteristics:

  • Dynamic Computation Graph: It is useful and beneficial for debugging, as it facilitates actual-time alteration of the computational graph.
  • Ease of Use: PyTorch is easier for researchers to employ, simple to interpret, and also more pythonic.
  • Growing Ecosystem: Efficient assistance for NLP study are offered by AllenNLP and Hugging Face Transformers.

Major Libraries:

  • Hugging Face Transformers: It provides advanced NLP frameworks such as GPT-3, RoBERTa, BERT, etc.
  • TorchText: Generally, it is used for text data processing for PyTorch.
  • AllenNLP: The AllenNLP is developed on PyTorch. It is considered as an NLP research library.
  • Fairseq: It is examined as Facebook’s sequence-to-sequence library.

Application Areas:

  • Rapid Prototyping: Along with novel frameworks, PyTorch is simpler to perform experimentation.
  • Custom Models: For deploying custom infrastructure, it is appropriate.
  • NLP Libraries: Together with Hugging Face, utilize effective pre-trained systems.


Major Characteristics:

  • Static Computation Graph: For production platforms, provides efficient enhancements.
  • TensorFlow Serving: It is helpful for implementing NLP systems in a widespread manner.
  • TensorFlow Extended (TFX): Typically, for an end-to-end production workflow, TensorFlow is assistive.
  • TF Hub and TF Model Garden: Provides a huge set of pre-trained frameworks.

Major Libraries:

  • TensorFlow Text: It provides NLP processing tools such as tokenization.
  • TF Hub: For reusable NLP systems and modules, TF Hub is determined as a warehouse.
  • KerasNLP: It is developed on TensorFlow and helpful for high-level NLP missions.
  • Transformers (by Hugging Face): TensorFlow deployments are also offered.

Application Areas:

  • Production Deployment: Because of the assistance of TensorFlow, favoured for implementing systems.
  • TPU Support: For extensive system training, offers efficient TPU assistance.
  • TensorFlow Lite: It is used in edge and mobile implementation.

When to Select PyTorch:

  • If dealing with dynamic computation graphs, select PyTorch.
  • When concentrating on study and quick modelling.
  • Utilize AllenNLP, Hugging Face Transformers, or Fairseq.

When to Select TensorFlow:

  • You can choose TensorFlow, when you need static computation graphs for enhancement.
  • If implementing NLP frameworks in production platforms.
  • When you require a combination with TensorFlow Extended (TFX) for an extensive production pipeline.


  • Research-Oriented Projects: Because of its easy utilization, adaptability, and combination with AllenNLP and Hugging Face, it is better to choose PyTorch.
  • Production-Oriented Projects: Aim to select TensorFlow for its production workflow, scalability, and implementation tools.

Common Libraries in Both Frameworks:

  • Hugging Face Transformers: For PyTorch as well as TensorFlow, offers frameworks.
  • NLP Datasets: A widespread collection is provided by Hugging Face Datasets for both models.
  • OpenNMT: Open-Source Neural Machine Translation Model.


  • When you prefer research adaptability and easy utilization, it is beneficial to select PyTorch.
  • Focus on selecting TensorFlow when production scalability and enhancements are the major issues.
NLP Projects For Research

NLP Ideas for Research

There are countless areas within NLP waiting to be explored through extensive research. In fact, we have already begun delving into some innovative ideas. Are you prepared to embark on this journey with us? Stay tuned for updates on the latest topics and ideas relevant to your interests. We are committed to delivering your work ahead of schedule, so feel free to reach out with any questions – we are here to support you every step of the way.

  1. Co-occurring evidence discovery for COPD patients using natural language processing
  2. Natural language processing in systems with computer-aided knowledge testing
  3. Voice-based Road Navigation System Using Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  4. Lips: An IDE for model driven engineering based on natural language processing
  5. An overview of natural language processing techniques in text-to-speech systems
  6. Intelligent Email Automation Analysis Driving through Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  7. Improving Online Clinical Trial Search Efficiency Using Natural Language Processing and Biomedical Ontology Mapping Approach
  8. Natural Language Processing based Visual Question Answering Efficient: an EfficientDet Approach
  9. Hardware Acceleration of Fully Quantized BERT for Efficient Natural Language Processing
  10. Natural language processing and information extraction: qualitative analysis of financial news articles
  11. A biologically inspired connectionist system for natural language processing
  12. Genetic optimization of NN topologies for the task of natural language processing
  13. Natural Language Processing and e-Government: Extracting Reusable Crime Report Information
  14. Content-based recommendation for podcast audio-items using natural language processing techniques
  15. Modeling Customer Satisfaction based on Kano Model from Online Reviews: Focused on Deep Learning Natural Language Processing
  16. Thermal aware energy efficient Gurumukhi Unicode reader for natural language processing
  17. Detection of Social Engineering Attacks Through Natural Language Processing of Conversations
  18. Analysis of stock market using text mining and natural language processing
  19. Information Extraction From Text Messages Using Natural Language Processing
  20. Automatically Structuring on Chinese Ultrasound Report of Cerebrovascular Diseases via Natural Language Processing

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