
Cloud Computing Projects for Final Year Engineering Students


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In several disciplines, cloud computing plays a major role and provides various services. By including different factors of cloud computing, we recommend some interesting projects which encompass various intricate research scopes and offer practical expertise into cloud services and actual-world applications: 

  1. Cloud-Based Learning Management System (LMS)


  • To handle and deliver academic content, an extensive LMS has to be created.

Significant Concepts:

  • Online tests
  • Content handling
  • User authentication
  • Video streaming

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure, Google Cloud, or AWS.


  • Frontend Development: For tutors and students, develop an efficient interface.
  • Backend Development: Specifically for various purposes like database, content storage, and user handling, utilize cloud services.
  • Integration: It is approachable to apply different characteristics such as grade monitoring, quizzes, and video streaming.
  1. E-Commerce Platform


  • By utilizing cloud services, create an e-commerce environment in a scalable manner.

Significant Concepts:

  • Web hosting
  • Scalability
  • Database handling
  • Payment Gateways

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure, Google Cloud, or AWS (S3, RDS, EC2).


  • Frontend Development: For shopping, a highly accessible interface must be developed.
  • Backend Development: Store user data and product details employing cloud databases.
  • Payment Integration: Plan to combine various payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe.
  • Scalability: It is important to apply load balancing and auto-scaling approaches.
  1. Real-Time Collaboration Tool


  • For project handling, video meetings, and document editing, an actual-time collaboration tool should be developed.

Significant Concepts:

  • Video meeting
  • User authentication
  • Actual-time data synchronization

Cloud Provider:

  • Google Firestore, AWS AppSync, or Firebase.


  • Frontend Development: First, the collaboration interface has to be modeled.
  • Backend Development: For actual-time data management, utilize cloud services.
  • Integration: Various characteristics have to be included, such as document sharing, video calls, and chat.
  • IoT-Based Smart Home System


  • Regulate and track household appliances distantly by creating an efficient smart home system.

Significant Concepts:

  • Data streaming
  • IoT device handling
  • Actual-time analytics

Cloud Provider:

  • Google Cloud IoT, Azure IoT Hub, or AWS IoT Core.


  • Device Setup: To the cloud platform, link various IoT devices.
  • Backend Development: For data storage and processing, employ cloud services.
  • Frontend Development: In order to facilitate user communication, develop a web/mobile interface.
  1. Healthcare Monitoring System


  • For telemedicine and patient tracking, a robust healthcare system must be deployed.

Significant Concepts:

  • Actual-time tracking
  • Virtual consultations
  • Handling of patient data

Cloud Provider:

  • Google Cloud, Azure, or AWS.


  • Frontend Development: Specifically for patients and healthcare experts, develop an interface.
  • Backend Development: Consider data processing and storage with cloud services.
  • Integration: Aim to apply different functionalities, including health monitoring, warning, and video calls.
  1. Machine Learning Model Deployment


  • Carry out categorization or forecasting missions by implementing a machine learning-based framework.

Significant Concepts:

  • Training of model
  • API incorporation
  • Inference

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure Machine Learning, Google AI Platform, or AWS SageMaker


  • Model Development: Initially, the machine learning framework has to be trained.
  • Deployment: As an API, implement the framework by utilizing cloud services.
  • Integration: To communicate with the framework, a frontend interface must be developed.
  1. Big Data Analytics Platform


  • To process and examine a vast amount of datasets, develop an environment.

Significant Concepts:

  • Data incorporation
  • Data visualization
  • Processing pipelines

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure HDInsight, Google BigQuery, or AWS EMR.


  • Data Collection: For data incorporation, employ cloud services.
  • Data Processing: Utilize Spark or Hadoop for applying data processing pipelines.
  • Visualization: Conduct data visualization with various tools such as Power BI or Tableau.
  1. Blockchain-Based Application


  • Through the utilization of the blockchain mechanism, a decentralized application (DApp) has to be created, which is managed in a cloud-based environment.

Significant Concepts:

  • Decentralized Storage
  • Smart Contracts
  • Blockchain

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure Blockchain Service or AWS Managed Blockchain.


  • Blockchain Setup: In the cloud platform, implement a blockchain-related network.
  • Smart Contracts: Smart contracts have to be created and implemented.
  • Frontend Development: To communicate with the blockchain, develop an interface.
  1. Secure Cloud Storage System


  • Including encryption mechanisms, a safer file storage system should be deployed.

Significant Concepts:

  • Data encryption
  • Access control
  • Key handling

Cloud Provider:

  • Google Cloud Storage and KMS, Azure Blob Storage and Key Vault, AWS S3 and KMS.


  • Setup Storage: Aim to develop a safer storage system based on cloud.
  • Encryption: For the data in active as well as inactive state, employ encryption approaches.
  • Access Control: The fine-grained access control strategies have to be applied efficiently.
  1. Disaster Recovery Solution


  • Majorly for cloud-related applications, a disaster recovery framework has to be modeled and deployed.

Significant Concepts:

  • Data backup
  • Failover techniques
  • Replication of data

Cloud Provider:

  • Google Cloud Backup and DR, Azure Site Recovery, or AWS Backup.


  • Backup Setup: For significant data, arrange backups in an automatic way.
  • Replication: Among several areas, apply data replication strategy.
  • Failover: At the time of interruption, move onto a secondary region. For that, create a failover technique.
  1. DevOps CI/CD Pipeline


  • Focus on building a CI/CD pipeline (continuous integration and continuous deployment).

Significant Concepts:

  • Automatic build and implementation
  • Automatic testing
  • Version control

Cloud Provider:

  • Google Cloud Build, Azure DevOps, AWS CodePipeline.


  • Setup Repositories: For version control, employ Bitbucket or GitHub.
  • Build Automation: Various build automation tools such as Jenkins have to be arranged.
  • Deployment: To cloud services, apply automatic deployment strategy.
  • Real-Time Traffic Analysis System


  • For the actual-time monitoring and analysis of traffic data, develop a robust system.

Significant Concepts:

  • Data streaming
  • Data visualization
  • Actual-time processing

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure Stream Analytics, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, AWS Kinesis.


  • Data Ingestion: Gather traffic data through the utilization of IoT devices.
  • Processing: Actual-time data processing pipelines have to be applied.
  • Visualization: For visualization, employ different tools such as Grafana or Kibana.
  1. Edge Computing with Cloud Integration


  • In order to process data locally before transmitting it to the cloud platform, apply an edge computing system.

Significant Concepts:

  • Data synchronization
  • IoT
  • Edge computing

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure IoT Edge, AWS Greengrass.


  • Edge Setup: Plan to implement devices related to edge computing.
  • Local Processing: On edge devices, carry out data processing locally.
  • Cloud Integration: With the cloud platform, integrate processed data.
  1. Cloud-Based Inventory Management System


  • As a means to handle supplier details, orders, and inventory ranges, create an efficient system.

Significant Concepts:

  • Supplier handling
  • Order management
  • Inventory monitoring

Cloud Provider:

  • AWS Cognito, Lambda, RDS, EC2, S3.


  • Frontend Development: Develop an interface in a highly accessible manner.
  • Backend Development: Particularly for data handling, utilize cloud services.
  • Integration: For order processing and inventory monitoring, apply various major characteristics.
  1. Cloud-Based CRM System


  • A customer relationship management (CRM) framework must be created, which is handled on the platform of cloud.

Significant Concepts:

  • Sales monitoring
  • Email marketing
  • Contact handling

Cloud Provider:

  • AWS S3, RDS, EC2, SES, Elastic Beanstalk.


  • Frontend Development: To handle consumer data, develop an effective interface.
  • Backend Development: For data processing and storage, employ cloud services.
  • Integration: Intend to apply significant characteristics such as sales monitoring and email marketing.
  1. Online Examination System


  • To carry out assessments and exams, an online examination environment should be developed.

Significant Concepts:

  • Student authentication
  • Test generation
  • Automatic grading

Cloud Provider:

  • AWS Lambda, S3, CloudFront, RDS, EC2.


  • Frontend Development: Specifically for mentors and scholars, develop an interface.
  • Backend Development: To handle grades and exams, implement cloud services.
  • Integration: It is significant to apply functionalities such as outcome analysis and automatic grading.
  1. Cloud-Based Video Streaming Service


  • For streaming videos, encompassing cloud-related delivery and storage, create an environment.

Significant Concepts:

  • Storage
  • Video encoding
  • CDN delivery

Cloud Provider:

  • AWS Lambda, Media Services, CloudFront, S3.


  • Video Processing: Plan to carry out processes like video encoding and storage.
  • Streaming Setup: Consider content delivery through the use of a CDN.
  • Frontend Development: For video playback, a user interface has to be developed.
  1. Serverless Data Pipeline


  • Perform ETL procedures (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) by applying a serverless data pipeline.

Significant Concepts:

  • Extraction of data
  • Transformation
  • Loading across data warehouse

Cloud Provider:

  • AWS Redshift, Lambda, S3, Glue.


  • Data Extraction: For retrieving data, employ serverless functions.
  • Transformation: Concentrate on applying data transformation methods.
  • Loading: Across a cloud data warehouse, load data.
  1. Cloud-Based Payroll System


  • With the aim of managing workers logs and payments, a payroll management system has to be developed.

Significant Concepts:

  • Salary assessment
  • Employee handling
  • Tax management

Cloud Provider:

  • AWS Lambda, S3, RDS, EC2.

What is cloud computing What are the simple projects I can create using this?

What is Cloud Computing?

For providing information technology (IT) services, cloud computing is very useful and considered as a model. Instead of a direct link to a server, resources are extracted from the internet by means of web-related applications and tools in cloud computing. To a distributed pool of adaptable computing resources like software, networking, databases, storage, servers, and analytics, it enables instant access. It also offers various advantages like cost-effectiveness, scalability, and adaptability. 

Basic Cloud Computing Projects for Learners

To initiate a project in the domain of cloud computing, we suggest numerous basic projects. The fundamental theories and aspects of cloud services can also be clearly interpreted through these projects. 

  1. Personal Website Hosting


  • By utilizing cloud services, host a static sample or personal website.

Major Concepts:

  • Domain management
  • Static website hosting
  • Content delivery Network (CDN)


  • Create a Static Website: Plan to employ CSS, HTML, and JavaScript if required.
  • Upload to Cloud Storage: It is beneficial to utilize various services such as Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, or AWS S3.
  • Configure CDN: For delivering content in a rapid manner, implement Google Cloud CDN, Azure CDN, or AWS CloudFront.
  • Set up Domain: Through the use of domain management service of your cloud provider or AWS Route 53, arrange a conventional domain and HTTPS.
  1. Online File Storage System


  • For enabling users to download, upload, and save files, develop a simple application.

Major Concepts:

  • User authentication
  • Object Storage
  • File Handling


  • Set Up Storage: A storage bucket has to be developed (for instance: Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and AWS S3).
  • Develop Backend: To manage file downloading and uploading, utilize services like Azure Functions, Firebase Functions, or AWS Lambda.
  • User Authentication: Employ services like Azure AD B2C, Firebase Authentication, or AWS Cognito for applying authentication.
  • Frontend Development: For file actions, a basic web interface must be designed with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
  1. Serverless To-Do List Application


  • Including serverless framework, a basic to-do list application should be created.

Major Concepts:

  • NoSQL databases
  • Serverless computing
  • User authentication


  • Backend Development:
    • AWS: For storage and backend design, utilize DynamoDB and Lambda functions.
    • Firebase: Apply Firebase Functions and Firestore for an actual-time database.
    • Azure: Specifically for storage and backend design, employ Cosmos DB and Azure Functions.
  • User Authentication: With the aid of AWS Cognito, Azure AD B2C, or Firebase Authentication, apply authentication.
  • Frontend Development: To communicate with the backend supporters, a user interface must be developed with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
  1. Simple Chat Application


  • Intend to build an actual-time chat application in a simpler way.

Major Concepts:

  • WebSockets
  • User authentication
  • Actual-time database


  • Backend Setup:
    • Firebase: For user handling, employ Firebase Authentication, and Firestore or Firebase Realtime Database for message storage.
    • AWS: Utilize AWS Cognito for authentication and AWS AppSync with DynamoDB for actual-time chatting.
    • Azure: Apply Azure Functions for backend design and Azure SignalR Service for actual-time chatting.
  • Frontend Development: To transmit and obtain messages, a chat interface should be created by employing CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
  1. Secure Cloud Storage System


  • By involving encryption techniques, a safer file storage system must be applied.

Major Concepts:

  • Encryption of data
  • Access control
  • Key handling


  • Set up Storage: It is important to develop an efficient storage bucket (like Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and AWS S3).
  • Implement Encryption: For handling of encryption keys, employ Google Cloud KMS, Azure Key Vault, or AWS KMS.
  • Develop Backend: To manage file encryption, uploads, and extraction, utilize serverless functions.
  • Frontend Development: To download and upload files in a safer manner, develop a web-based interface.
  1. Website Traffic Analysis


  • In a website, monitor and examine the traffic with the aid of cloud services.

Major Concepts:

  • Gathering of data
  • Visualization
  • Analytics


  • Set up Analytics: Gather traffic data by employing AWS CloudWatch or Google Analytics.
  • Data Processing: To process the gathered data, utilize Google Cloud Functions or AWS Lambda.
  • Data Visualization: For developing dashboards and visualization of traffic data, apply Azure Power BI, Google Data Studio, or AWS QuickSight.
  1. Blog Hosting Platform


  • To host a blog, build an efficient environment.

Major Concepts:

  • User authentication
  • Database handling
  • Content management


  • Frontend Development: For enabling users to draft and handle their blogs, develop a web interface.
  • Backend Development: Manage data storage, content handling, and user authentication by utilizing a cloud service like Azure, Firebase, or AWS.
  • Database Setup: To store user details or blog posts, employ an ideal NoSQL database such as Cosmos DB, Firestore, or DynamoDB.
  1. Simple E-Commerce Website


  • Including shopping cart and product listing, a simple e-commerce website has to be created.

Major Concepts:

  • Database handling
  • Web hosting
  • Payment incorporation


  • Frontend Development: For handling a shopping cart and searching products, build an efficient web interface.
  • Backend Development: Specifically for order processing, product handling, and user authentication, utilize cloud services like Azure, Firebase, or AWS.
  • Payment Integration: To manage transactions, combine a suitable payment gateway such as PayPal or Stripe.
  1. Image Processing and Storage


  • In order to upload, process, and save images, develop a robust web application.

Major Concepts:

  • Object storage
  • Serverless functions
  • Image processing


  • Frontend Development: For allowing users to upload images, develop an interface.
  • Backend Development: To process images (like filtering, resizing), employ Azure Functions, Firebase Functions, or AWS Lambda.
  • Storage: In various cloud storage services such as Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, or AWS S3, store the processed images.
  1. Weather Data Collection and Analysis


  • For gathering and examining weather data, Create an application.

Major Concepts:

  • Data storage
  • Data analysis
  • API incorporation


  • Data Collection: To gather weather data, utilize a weather API (for instance: OpenWeatherMap).
  • Data Storage: Use cloud databases such as Cosmos DB, Firestore, or DynamoDB to store the gathered data.
  • Data Analysis: Examine the data by employing cloud-related tools. By means of web interface, depict perceptions.
Cloud Computing Topics for Final Year Engineering Students

Cloud Computing Thesis for Final Year Engineering Students

By availing the guidance of our proficient experts, you can successfully complete your thesis in an impeccable manner. We have aided numerous final year engineering students in selecting topics for their Cloud Computing theses, and we are pleased to share some of these topics with you. To receive further assistance, kindly provide us with all the necessary details. As we acknowledge the ever-evolving nature of cloud research, we consistently update our knowledge base to remain at the forefront of emerging disciplines. Our commitment to providing unparalleled support goes beyond the norm, as we strive to offer our expertise to ensure that you achieve a high grade. Feel free to reach out to us for further guidance.

  1. LINGO-based optimization problem of cloud computing of bandwidth consumption in the Internet
  2. A Framework of Knowledge Management in Classroom Action Research on Cloud Computing for Pre-Service Teachers
  3. Research on Quality Control Method of Color Image Segmentation Based on Cloud Computing
  4. Supporting Content and Learner Collaboration and Interaction through Cloud Computing Models
  5. A user authentication scheme on multi-server environments for cloud computing
  6. Stochastic modelling and analysis of cloud computing data center
  7. The Conventional Security of Cloud Computing and the Growing Threat to Quantum Computing
  8. The security of cloud computing system enabled by trusted computing technology
  9. Cloud computing providers for satellite image processing service: A comparative study
  10. Cloud computing environment based on chaotic encryption research information platform client
  11. Practices and usages of the cloud computing as a solution to rise to the challenge of the digitalization of Moroccan companies
  12. Research on Meteorological Cloud Computing Platform Based on BP Neural Network
  13. Energy-efficient scheduling policy for collaborative execution in mobile cloud computing
  14. Efficient Identity-Based Key Management for Configurable Hierarchical Cloud Computing Environment
  15. Cloud computing driven efficient mapping on soil moisture under sensor web environment
  16. Service availability evaluation for a protection model in hybrid cloud computing architecture
  17. A Preliminary Study on Data Security Technology in Big Data Cloud Computing Environment
  18. Based Sliding Window Cloud Computing Platform of Network Intrusion Detection Algorithm
  19. Resource optimization with reliability consideration in cloud computing
  20. The attack on DDIMT: Dynamic data and indirect mutual trust for cloud computingn cloud computing

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