
cloud computing projects for final year cse


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In the domain of cloud computing, numerous topics and ideas have evolved in a gradual manner. Appropriate for final year CSE scholars, we list out several innovative project plans related to cloud computing, including significant characteristics and mechanisms so if you want to shine in your career then matlabsimulation.com experts will share novel concepts related to your area:

  1. Cloud-Based Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Goal: To handle and deliver academic contents, create LMS in an extensive manner.
  • Mechanisms: Azure Web Apps, AWS lambda, S3, RDS, CloudFront, EC2, Firebase.
  • Significant Characteristics: Video streaming, online tests, content handling, and user authentication.
  1. Serverless E-Commerce Platform
  • Goal: Utilizing Serverless framework, a scalable e-commerce environment has to be developed.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Cognito, S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, API Gateway.
  • Significant Characteristics: User handling, order processing, shopping cart, and product listing.
  1. Real-Time Collaboration Tool
  • Goal: For various purposes like project handling, video meetings, and document editing, build an actual-time collaboration tool.
  • Mechanisms: AWS AppSync, WebRTC, Firebase, and Google Firestore.
  • Significant Characteristics: User roles and permissions, chat functionality, video meetings, and actual-time editing.
  1. IoT-Based Smart Home System
  • Goal: In order to regulate and track household appliances distantly, a smart home system must be created.
  • Mechanisms: AWS IoT Core, S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, and Alexa Skills kit.
  • Significant Characteristics: Automation principles, voice control, actual-time tracking, and device handling.
  1. Cloud-Based Healthcare System
  • Goal: Specifically for patient tracking and telemedicine, deploy an efficient healthcare system.
  • Mechanisms: AWS S3, RDS, EC2, Twilio API, and Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Significant Characteristics: Health analytics, appointment planning, patient data handling, and virtual consultations.
  1. Machine Learning Model Deployment
  • Goal: As a means to categorize or forecast data with cloud services, a machine learning framework should be implemented.
  • Mechanisms: AWS S3, Lambda, SageMaker, CloudWatch, API Gateway.
  • Significant Characteristics: Tracking and logging, API incorporation, actual-time forecastings, and model training.
  1. Big Data Analytics Platform
  • Goal: Process and examine a wide range of datasets by developing an environment.
  • Mechanisms: AWS S3, EMR, Spark, Hadoop, Redshift.
  • Significant Characteristics: Data warehousing, data incorporation, visualization dashboards, and processing pipelines.
  1. Cloud-Based Chatbot
  • Goal: For personal assistance or customer service, create a smart chatbot.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Lambda, S3, Lex, CloudWatch, DynamoDB.
  • Significant Characteristics: Incorporation with messaging environments, user communications, context handling, and natural language processing.
  1. Blockchain in Cloud Computing
  • Goal: To attain reliable and safer transactions in cloud settings, apply a mechanism of blockchain.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Managed Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, and Ethereum.
  • Significant Characteristics: Security, transaction verification, decentralized storage, and smart contracts.
  1. Secure Cloud Storage System
  • Goal: Using encryption technique, a safer file storage and distribution application has to be created.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Lambda, CloudFront, S3, KMS, IAM.
  • Significant Characteristics: Audit recording, safer sharing links, access control, and file encryption.
  1. Disaster Recovery Solution
  • Goal: Particularly for cloud-related applications, a disaster recovery system must be modeled and deployed.
  • Mechanisms: AWS S3, RDS, Backup, CloudFormation, Route 53.
  • Significant Characteristics: Recovery policies, data replication, failover techniques, and automatic backups.
  1. DevOps CI/CD Pipeline
  • Goal: Aim to build an effective CI/CD pipeline (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment).
  • Mechanisms: AWS CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, CodeBuild, Docker, CloudFormation.
  • Significant Characteristics: Infrastructure as code, automatic builds, implementation, and testing.
  1. Real-Time Traffic Analysis System
  • Goal: For the actual-time tracking and analysis of traffic data, develop a robust system.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Lambda, Kinesis, S3, Kibana, Elasticsearch.
  • Significant Characteristics: Data incorporation, visualization, actual-time analytics, and warning.
  1. Edge Computing with Cloud Integration
  • Goal: With the aim of processing data locally before transmitting it to the cloud platform, deploy an edge computing system.
  • Mechanisms: AWS IoT Core, S3, Lambda, Greengrass.
  • Significant Characteristics: Device handling, cloud synchronization, minimized latency, and local data processing.
  1. Cloud-Based Inventory Management System
  • Goal: To handle the range of inventory, supplier details, and orders, create an efficient system.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Lambda, S3, RDS, Cognito, EC2.
  • Significant Characteristics: Supplier handling, order management, inventory monitoring, and reporting.
  1. Cloud-Based CRM System
  • Goal: A customer relationship management framework has to be created, which is specifically managed on the cloud platform.
  • Mechanisms: AWS S3, RDS, EC2, SES, Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Significant Characteristics: Sales monitoring, contact handling, analytics, and email marketing.
  1. Online Examination System
  • Goal: For initiating assessments and exams, an online examination setting must be developed.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Lambda, CloudFront, S3, RDS, EC2.
  • Significant Characteristics: Student authentication, test generation, outcome analysis, and automatic grading.
  1. Cloud-Based Video Streaming Service
  • Goal: Especially for streaming videos, including cloud-related delivery and storage, create an environment.
  • Mechanisms: AWS S3, Media Services, Lambda, CloudFront.
  • Significant Characteristics: User handling, CDN delivery, video encoding, and streaming.
  1. Serverless Data Pipeline
  • Goal: To carry out ETL procedures (Extraction, Transformation, Loading), deploy a serverless data pipeline.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Redshift, Glue, Lambda, S3.
  • Significant Characteristics: Reporting, extraction of data, transformation, and loading across a data warehouse.
  1. Cloud-Based Payroll System
  • Goal: As a means to manage workers logs and payments, a payroll management system should be developed.
  • Mechanisms: AWS Lambda, S3, RDS, EC2.
  • Significant Characteristics: Employee handling, tax management, reporting, and salary assessment.

I want to do a project on cloud computing and I am a beginner What topic should I select sir madam?

Cloud computing is examined as a rapidly emerging as well as intriguing field that offers a wide range of opportunities to carry out research projects. Relevant to cloud computing, we suggest some ideal project plans that assist beginners to initiate project in this field: 

  1. Personal Website Hosting


  • Employing cloud-based services, host a sample or personal website.

Major Concepts:

  • Domain management.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Static website hosting

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure Blob Storage.
  • Google Cloud Storage.
  • AWS S3 and CloudFront


  • Create a Static Website: Utilize a static site generator such as Hugo/Jekyll or model a basic CSS/HTML website.
  • Upload to Cloud Storage: To an S3 bucket or other similar storage service, upload your website directories.
  • Configure CDN: With the intention of minimizing latency, employ CloudFront or other correspondent service for content sharing in a worldwide manner.
  • Set up Domain: Employing the domain management service of your cloud provider or AWS Route 53, arrange a conventional domain and HTTPS.
  1. Online File Storage System


  • For enabling users to save, upload, and download files in a safer manner, create a simple and efficient application.

Major Concepts:

  • User authentication
  • Object storage
  • File handling

Cloud Provider:

  • Google Cloud Storage
  • AWS S3
  • Azure Blob Storage


  • Set up Storage: For file storage, develop an S3 bucket or other similar service.
  • Develop Backend: To manage file uploading and downloading, utilize an appropriate cloud service such as Firebase Functions or AWS Lambda.
  • User Authentication: With the aid of Firebase Authentication, Azure AD B2C, or AWS Cognito, apply user authentication.
  • Frontend Development: Specifically for file uploading and downloading, a basic web interface has to be developed with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
  1. Serverless To-Do List Application


  • Along with a serverless framework, a basic to-do list application must be developed.

Major Concepts:

  • NoSQL databases
  • User authentication
  • Serverless computing

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure Functions and Cosmos DB
  • AWS Lambda and DynamoDB
  • Firebase


  • Backend Development:
    • AWS: To append, delete, or upgrade to-do lists, develop Lambda functions. For storage purposes, utilize DynamoDB.
    • Firebase: Employ Firebase Functions for backend design and Firestore for actual-time database.
    • Azure: It is approachable to utilize Cosmos DB for storage and Azure Functions for backend design.
  • User Authentication:
    • Employing Azure AD B2C, Firebase Authentication, or AWS Cognito, apply user authentication.
  • Frontend Development:
    • To communicate with the backend supporters, a web interface must be developed with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
  1. Cloud-Based Chat Application


  • A basic actual-time chat application has to be created efficiently.

Major Concepts:

  • User authentication
  • Actual-time database
  • WebSockets

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure SignalR Service
  • AWS AppSync
  • Firebase Realtime Database.


  • Backend Setup:
    • Firebase: Utilize Firebase Authentication for user handling and Firestore or Firebase Realtime Database for storing chats.
    • AWS: Plan to employ AWS Cognito for authentication. For actual-time messaging, implement AWS AppSync with DynamoDB.
    • Azure: Apply Azure Functions for backend design and Azure SignalR Service for actual-time chatting.
  • Frontend Development:
    • With JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, create a basic chat interface.
    • To manage message transmission and receiving, combine the interface with the appropriate backend service.
  1. Secure Cloud Storage System


  • Including encryption mechanisms, a safer file storage system should be deployed.

Major Concepts:

  • Access control
  • Key management
  • Data encryption

Cloud Provider:

  • Azure Blob Storage and Key Vault
  • AWS S3 and KMS
  • Google Cloud Storage and KMS


  • Set up Storage: Particularly for file storage, develop an S3 bucket or other correspondent service.
  • Encryption: To handle encryption keys, employ Google Cloud KMS, Azure Key Vault, or AWS KMS. Before storage, it is important to encrypt files.
  • Access Control: With IAM permissions and roles, the fine-grained access control strategies have to be applied.
Cloud Computing Ideas for Final Year CSE

Cloud Computing Thesis for Final Year CSE

We comprehend the difficulties and complexities associated with creating a cloud computing system. Take a look at the Cloud Computing Thesis topics for CSE scholars provided below. We acknowledge the importance of time in your academic pursuit; hence we ensure timely completion of the task with utmost quality. For superior thesis services and simulation, contact matlabsimulation.com.

  1. Multivariate Deep Learning Model for Workload Prediction In Cloud Computing
  2. A novel method for scheduling workflows in cloud computing environment
  3. Adaptive resource allocation strategy in cloud computing environment
  4. An infrastructure for robotic applications as cloud computing services
  5. Improving the capacity, reliability & life of mobile devices with Cloud Computing
  6. Mobile Cloud Computing based on service oriented architecture: Embracing network as a service for 3RD party application service providers
  7. Applications of neural-based spot market prediction for cloud computing
  8. Cloud computing for environmental monitoring using multi-source Earth Observation data
  9. Research on Digital Copyright Infringement Based on Cloud Computing Environment
  10. A Trust Management Model to Enhance Security of Cloud Computing Environments
  11. Cloud computing security analysis based on RC6, AES and RSA algorithms in user-cloud environment
  12. Providing reliability of resource in spot instance of cloud computing
  13. Clustering Datasets in Cloud Computing Environment for User Identification
  14. Analysis of available cloud computing models to support cloud adoption decision process in an enterprise
  15. Design of Attention-Based Recommendation Learning Mechanism in the Cloud Computing Environment
  16. Using Genetic Algorithms for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
  17. Deadline-guaranteed scheduling algorithm with improved resource utilization for cloud computing
  18. An evaluation of user importance when integrating social networks and mobile cloud computing
  19. Design and Implementation of Trust-based Access Control Model for Cloud Computing
  20. Development of Cloud Computing Based Scheduling System Using Optimized Layout Method for Manufacturing Quality

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